there is no more beautiful picture of a group of earnest-hearted students than the one described in the Bible in the second chapter of the book of Acts.
experience of a student of Christian Science is at times not unlike that of a wayfarer pursuing his journey through a valley enshrouded in the mists of early morning.
the springtime season, when on every hand is seen the growth of bud and blossom, are we not prone to take but small account of the labor that has been necessary in preparing the soil for the seed, in pruning tree and bush, and in the removal of all useless and waste matter that would in any way hinder growth or prevent full fruitage?
that wonderful prayer which Christ Jesus gave to his disciples, when one of them besought him, "Lord, teach us to pray," is the phrase which has ever since been on the lips of Christendom, "Thy kingdom come.
In an issue of Morgenavisen of recent date are reported some opinions from Danish physicians, given because of the request of the Archbishop of York to the British Medical Association that an impartial investigation be made as to healing by faith.
While Christian Scientists are duly sensible of and appreciate the noncritical character of the comments in an article appearing in a recent issue of the Times-Herald with reference to Christian Science, some of the statements and classifications therein are so erroneous that space for correction is respectfully requested.
In a recent letter a critic sought to discredit Christian Science by Bible citations which he considers proof that God imposed a "very real" curse upon mankind in the form of sin, disease, and death.
with contributions from Louis N. Denniston, Clara L. Cook, Marcelle Darby
"When I wrote two weeks ago asking the privilege of spending a few days at the sanatorium, I seemed to be under a spell, 'worn and hard beset with troubles' of mind and body.
of mankind's strongest desires is to maintain an harmonious condition in the flesh, to establish a normal state of existence in order the better to enjoy life at its full.
On and after March 1, 1925, orders and subscriptions from those living where the English Pound Sterling is the established money standard, should be accompanied by remittances based on the normal rate of $4.
The attention of clerks and committees of branch churches in the United States and Canada, having in charge arrangements for lectures, is called to the necessity of having the information reach the Editorial Department at least four weeks before the date of the lecture, in order to insure publication in the Sentinel.
Twenty years ago I was healed of tuberculosis of the lungs in a severe stage through Christian Science treatments and my own study and endeavor to apply the truths of this teaching.
When I was thirteen I was attacked by rheumatic fever, valvular heart trouble, and extreme nervousness, which left me lying in bed absolutely helpless, like a baby, unable to walk, talk, or feed myself.
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