Practical Teaching in the Sunday School

The proof of the utility of Christian Science is in its demonstration. That this demonstration should be practical was most conclusively shown by Jesus, whose earthly career, while brief, consisted of the constant application of the understanding of divine Principle to the everyday problems of that period,—problems with the solution of which we, likewise, are confronted. His teachings were simple, largely in parables,—recitals of stories familiar to all, and painted in local color,—which explained the nature and quality of truth, as well as its utility, in a way that those of a receptive heart could readily understand. He would have given them absolute Science, but the age was not then ready for it; and on occasion he expressed regret that the spiritual import of his instruction and work could not be more fully grasped.

That the Science of being which he had studied and practiced since early childhood was correct, he never doubted for a moment; for had he not relied on divine Principle in countless ways, and proved that it met every need and right desire with invariable certainty? He knew, too, that all others might apply its rules, and obtain the same lasting and beneficial results. His duty, therefore, was to show suffering humanity how the truth could be made applicable, available, and infallible to them. This he did, showing that it was applicable through the healing of beliefs known as sin, sickness, and death, available as demonstrated by the apostles and some seventy other disciples, and infallible by the certainty with which harmonious results always accompanied his practice.

As Jesus' disciples, and as teachers in the Christian Science Sunday School, we have inherited the same divine command that he gave his immediate followers; and the obligation of making our teaching applicable, available, and infallible is as certainly binding to-day on the individual student, as when Jesus said, "The words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works." His aim was to make the instruction practical; and our duty is identical.

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Praising God
October 7, 1922

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