words of Jesus, when he bade the one desirous of following him to deny himself and to take up the cross, have been studied for many centuries by devout Christians who, in numberless cases, have endeavored to follow them with great faith and love; yet, if his meaning could have been more clearly understood, better results might have ensued.
Christian Science
has been so long associated with the work of healing physical diseases, and so much discussed in that connection, that many do not at first think of this Science as an exterminator of sin; yet Mrs.
through the light which Christian Science sheds upon the pages of the Bible, many of the events and incidents therein contained are not merely historically interesting, but become to the student's awakened thought valuable examples and proofs of the unlimited power of good.
read in Matthew that Jesus spoke a parable likening the kingdom of heaven "unto a certain king, which made a marriage for his son;" and when the king came in to see the guests which had been bidden to the wedding, he saw "a man which had not on a wedding garment.
Cyril R. Hewson, Committee on Publication for Derbyshire, England,
The sum of a critic's letter, in a recent issue of your paper, seems to be that what the material senses are cognizant of must be real, and that to deny its reality must be absurd.
William C. Brookes, Committee on Publication for the Country of Midlothian, Scotland,
Will you kindly allow me to inform your readers that Christian Science is the Christianity taught by Jesus, put into daily practice as he insisted that it should be.
Lester B. McCoun, Committee on Publication for the State of Nebraska,
Christian Science acknowledges that intolerance and bigotry have not yet been completely overcome in the human mind, the same as it admits the necessity of destroying every sense of evil to which mortals are addicted; and it maintains that this regeneration will not come through ridicule, but through adherence to divine Principle, Love.
Kate E. Andreae, Committee on Publication for Sussexshire, England,
Since Christian Science came into their lives, its followers study and ponder the great truths of the Bible with ever growing inspiration and enlightenment.
Pearl E. Reames, Committee on Publication for the State of Arkansas,
For the benefit of your subscribes I desire to say that Christian Science has nothing whatever in common with spiritualism, nor does it advance the theory of personal intercommunion of spirit.
Elmer McBurney, Committee on Publication for Northern California,
The clergyman, writing in a recent issue of your paper, is quite right in asserting that Christian Science recognizes no limit to the power of Christianity to cure disease.
Hubert W. Carr, Committee on Publication for India,
My attention has been drawn to an article in a recent issue of your paper which gives an entirely erroneous impression as to the attitude of Christian Scientists towards sin.
many centuries, they of spiritual vision have been looking with yearning eyes for that blessed day when, through common recognition of God's omnipotence, strife should cease and swords could safely be beaten into ploughshares and pruninghooks, and nations could disarm without danger.
At the age of fifteen, I had been seriously ill with a spinal disease, and was earnestly looking for the truth of existence and for that redeeming Love reflected by our Master toward Mary Magdalene, when "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy was brought into my home by an English friend.
Having had only a vague idea of what Christian Science was, in the case of what was to me an insurmountable difficulty I applied at one of the reading rooms for information.
It has been only a year since I first began the study of Christian Science, and it is a great privilege to tell of the many healings received since I started the study of this truth, which our dear Leader, Mrs.
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