teaching in the Christian Science Sunday school for many months with the same group of children, a teacher began to see manifested signs of inattention and restlessness, annoyance of classmates, and indifference to correction.
are two words which became very familiar to all during the period of the war,—words which we, as students of Christian Science, should understand in their deepest meaning,—propaganda and preparedness.
a little sunbeam say:I have so much to do to-day—So much darkness to make light,So much glooming to make bright,So many hearts to warm and cheer—I am not strong enough, I fear.
Scholasticism has many things to answer for, but the human mind being what it was when scholasticism was born, the result could scarcely have been otherwise.
In a recent issue is the announcement of a sermon lecture to be delivered on the topic, "Mental Telepathy, Psychic Phenomena, Power of the Subjective Mind over the Body.
The success of Christian Science throughout the world in healing the sick and reforming the sinful through a correct knowledge of Bible teaching has grown to such proportions as to become one of the marvels of the world.
Attalus II, King of Pergamos, was founding the famous city which he intended to be the seat of Græco-Asian culture in Lydia, indeed in Asia, he gave it the name of Philadelphia, meaning love of the brethren, in token of the unshaken loyalty and affection of the king for his own brother.
, Massachusetts—In consequence of libelous statements which have been reported from various parts of the country, one in particular coming from San Francisco, the Board of Trustees of the Christian Science Publishing Society last night sent the following telegram to their counsel in San Francisco, Mr.
I feel a great impelling desire to add my testimony to the thousands which appear in our periodicals, telling of an experience that I recently passed through which proved unmistakably the operation of Truth.
Christian Science is indeed the Comforter in all times of distress, and I am sure all those of us who are receiving its daily blessings are so grateful that in this hour of seeming strife it enables us to look beyond the dark clouds and see the light of Truth ever shining, and God ever with us.
William G. Ziesler
with contributions from Mrs. William G. Ziesler
Just a little testimony from one who is a member of The Mother Church, relative to the power of Truth to destroy error quickly and also to mental source of contagion.
Christian Science has brought peace and harmony into our home, and I feel it is my duty and also a privilege to give this testimony of the efficacy of Christian Science to heal instantaneously.
During my first week's reading of Science and Health I gained such a concept of Spirit that I knew I did not have to look through matter to see and so laid away my glasses forever, after having worn them ten years.
Prior to 1916 I had had many demonstrations of healing through Christian Science, but had not taken a sufficiently active interest in the subject to enable me to make demonstrations for myself.
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