To spiritual seers in all ages there has come the divine...

The Christian Science Monitor

To spiritual seers in all ages there has come the divine command which came to the prophet Habakkuk: "Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it." The vision of spiritual reality is recorded so that all who will may understand it, and make rapid progress God-ward, away from bondage to sin and disease, and all the various beliefs of the flesh, toward the freedom, health, and harmony gained from spiritual understanding.

Many centuries before Habakkuk uttered his prophecies this command had come to Moses. This renowned leader learned to utilize the divine guidance and the divine power because he was willing to forsake self and be governed by God, divine Principle. It was this divine guidance and this divine power which enabled Moses to lead the children of Israel out of Egypt. After God had thus delivered them "with a mighty hand, and with an outstretched arm," it was necessary that they should learn definitely of the power which had given them their freedom, and be able to utilize this power in overcoming the enslaving errors inherent in the carnal mind. For this purpose Moses was led to write the Ten Commandments. In telling how God gave him this divine message, the great Lawgiver himself has written: "And he gave unto Moses, when he had made an end of communing with him upon mount Sinai, two tables of testimony, tables of stone, written with the finger of God."

The belief that God is a manlike being, and that He wrote on tables of stone with a finger like that of a mortal, is no longer entertained by thinking people. Moses was inspired with the clear consciousness of God's presence and allness and omnipotence, and he was therefore able to bring to human understanding by the written and spoken word a knowledge of divine law as specifically related to human thought, speech, and action. While tending the flocks in Midian, Moses was quietly communing with God, and God was writing upon the tablet of his thought the truths of spiritual being which he was later able to impart. Moses proved not only God's guiding power, but also God's healing power, as for instance when he healed his sister Miriam of leprosy. This metaphorical expression, "the finger of God," then, simply indicates the utilization of the power and presence of God, infinite good.

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