of the great aids to steadfastness that came to the writer early in his study of Christian Science was a scientific apprehension of the verity stated on <a class="tome-reference"
writer feels impelled to tell of the experiences of a student of Christian Science in solving the problem of employment, in the hope that it may help some one else.
has not had the experience of realizing, in the midst of a disturbing dream, that it was, indeed, "only a dream," and would pass away when he awakened from sleep.
To spiritual seers in all ages there has come the divine command which came to the prophet Habakkuk: "Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.
The statement in The Times that a coroner's jury was to be impaneled to inquire into the case of a death from influenceza-pneumonia under Christian Science treatment, is very surprising in view of the fact that a dispatch from the state board of health printed in the daily papers of the same date announced that there had been forty deaths from the same disease in the previous two days in Detroit alone, presumably under medical treatment, without even the suggestion of an official investigation.
If Christian Science was what our clergyman critic would have others believe it to be, it would not have its following of hundreds of thousands of intelligent people.
Lecture notices can be printed in a particular number of the Sentinel when they reach the editorial department twelve days preceding its date of publication.
I am anxious to give my testimony of healing to the world, for it may help some one as I have been helped so much by reading the testimonies of others.
After seven years of acquaintance with Christian Science and a rather slow unfoldment of this wonderful truth to me, I write to give my grateful testimony concerning the many healings and benefits received.
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