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Some years ago, while traveling through a portion of the...
Some years ago, while traveling through a portion of the mountains in Colorado, my wife and I were just returning to the city after a drive through one of the beautiful canyons when I, who had been taking kodak pictures along the way, decided to go ahead of the party in order to obtain a picture which would include our outfit in the landscape. I had ascended to the top of an embankment or fill, where a train bridge passed over the ravine, and after securing the desired pictures began to descent the fill to reach the roadway, where the party was awaiting my return. As I leaped down the soft embankment, my feet struck what was evidently an irregualr hard-pan just under the soft shale on the surface, causing both of my ankles to turn and give way under my wieght. I rolled to the bottom of the embankment, some thirty or forty feet, and upon trying to regain my footing found the sprains to be so severe that I was unable to stand. Members of the party ran to my assistance and lifted me to the carriage. The swelling in both ankles had rapidly become very pronounced and the pain intense.
My wife and I were somewhat new in Christian Science, but we both clung to the thoughts contained in the "scientific statement of being," as found on page 468 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, and sought no aid from other sources. We had previously arranged to go on to another point the next morning, but after what had just happened it seemed as though this would be impossible. Through our steadfast reliance on God's power to heal we did not become discouraged, however, but completed our arrangements, and when the time came for us to leave our hotel, I was able to hobble to the train unassisted.
Upon arriving at our destination we were unable at once to secure the accommodations desired. This necessitated our walking about the city from two o'clock in the afternoon until about six o'clock in the evening through a drizzly rain, but as we were devoting our entire attention toward getting located we thought little about the walking. This being a Wednesday evening we decided to attend the Christian Science service, and by the time we reached the church I discovered that I was able to walk as freely as ever and there was no sense of pain or outward evidence of the accident. I was very happy about this healing and so filled with gratitude that I took advantage of the testimony meeting that evening by getting up for the first time and telling of my experience, also expressing my gratitude and appreciation for Christian Science. In doing this I was entirely freed from a sense of fear of speaking in public, which has indeed meant much to me and has enabled me to take advantage of many helpful opportunities since that time.
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March 29, 1919 issue
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An Open Mind
Fleeing from Error
The Purpose of Existence
Correct Reasoning
"Well placed confidence"
Love's Reflection
Christian Science is based wholly upon the Scriptures...
W. Stuart Booth
It is quite evident that neither the correspondent "J. H. C."...
Charles M. Shaw
Simple Honesty
William P. McKenzie
Alone with God
William D. McCrackan
Annie M. Knott
Admission to Membership in The Mother Church
Charles E. Jarvis
The Lectures
with contributions from Clara Drew, S. E. Carr, Charles W. J. Tennant
I have been helped so many times in right thinking by...
George M. Tucker
In the Bible we read, "He sent his word, and healed...
Esther Murray
Some years ago, while traveling through a portion of the...
W. Clyde Price with contributions from Edna Hazel Price
I feel that it is time for me to express my gratitude publicly...
Eunice C. Collie
Some years ago I was healed through Christian Science...
Alice Herington
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Samuel Zane Batten