order to demonstrate Christian Science the student must learn to think accurately, to base his reasoning on Principle, and think correctly in accordance with the demands of Principle, irrespective of the apparently contradictory testimony of the material senses.
Christian Science is based wholly upon the Scriptures, wherein we read that "God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good," and "All things were made by him [Spirit]; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
Your excellent editorials pointing out that germs do not cause influenza and that masks do not prevent it, have moved the Fresno Republican to characterize such discussions as illustrations of "bigoted ignorance," and to declare that "on matters of public health, newspapers ought not to mislead the people by campaigns of dogmatic misrepresentation of the plainest and most demonstrable facts.
are so many temptations offered to men which justify divergencies from strict honesty, so many excuses and provocations, that men need to be encouraged in their adherence to honesty.
Solomon's song we find this gladsome announcement of spring: "Lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone; the flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land.
W. Clyde Price
with contributions from Edna Hazel Price
Some years ago, while traveling through a portion of the mountains in Colorado, my wife and I were just returning to the city after a drive through one of the beautiful canyons when I, who had been taking kodak pictures along the way, decided to go ahead of the party in order to obtain a picture which would include our outfit in the landscape.
My desire is to give, through every channel provided, whatever I can that will help another to seek and hold fast the truth, which Jesus said, when known, will make us free.
I had been a sufferer from liver complaint and stomach trouble about forty years, and for about forty years subsisted mostly on light food, as heavy food distressed me.
Available articles from members of The Mother Church and good testimonies from those healed by Christian Science are always welcomed for consideration by the Editors.
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