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My desire is to give, through every channel provided...
My desire is to give, through every channel provided, whatever I can that will help another to seek and hold fast the truth, which Jesus said, when known, will make us free. As far back as I can remember I had spent part of each year in bed, with first one ailment and then another. Finally I submitted to a slight operation, which was supposed to be all that would ever be needed; but in a few more years I had to undergo a very serious operation for appendicitis and other chronic internal troubles. I seemed to be recovering nicely from this, when I was again attacked with what the physician called ulcers of the stomach, for which I took the starvation cure and spent most of the summer in bed. After rallying from that I was left with a most weakening and continuous backache. Then one day, after consulting the physician again and being told that another slight operation might help and that I must at least have a complete rest, it was almost as though a voice spoke to me saying to try Christian Science. No one had ever recommended it to me and I knew nothing about it, except that some very dear friends were Scientists. I immediately called them over the telephone, asking for information as to how to learn something about this religion.
I remember the struggle I then had to call a practitioner, as I began to fear that my family would object and that I was doing a hazardous thing by going in direct opposition to the doctor's orders; but I am happy and very grateful that all these temptations were finally overcome, for with the first treatment I was instantaneously healed. From that time to this, which is over four years, there has not been a sign of the old trouble, and instead of objections in the family every one of them has become interested in Christian Science. I am extremely grateful to the friends who so lovingly showed me the way, and no words can express my love and gratitude to Mrs. Eddy for the discovery of the healing power of Truth.—(Mrs.)Jane Black, New Britain, Conn.
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March 29, 1919 issue
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An Open Mind
Fleeing from Error
The Purpose of Existence
Correct Reasoning
"Well placed confidence"
Love's Reflection
Christian Science is based wholly upon the Scriptures...
W. Stuart Booth
It is quite evident that neither the correspondent "J. H. C."...
Charles M. Shaw
Simple Honesty
William P. McKenzie
Alone with God
William D. McCrackan
Annie M. Knott
Admission to Membership in The Mother Church
Charles E. Jarvis
The Lectures
with contributions from Clara Drew, S. E. Carr, Charles W. J. Tennant
I have been helped so many times in right thinking by...
George M. Tucker
In the Bible we read, "He sent his word, and healed...
Esther Murray
Some years ago, while traveling through a portion of the...
W. Clyde Price with contributions from Edna Hazel Price
I feel that it is time for me to express my gratitude publicly...
Eunice C. Collie
Some years ago I was healed through Christian Science...
Alice Herington
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Samuel Zane Batten