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I cannot cease to be grateful to God; to Mrs. Eddy, the...
I cannot cease to be grateful to God; to Mrs. Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, the religion of Love; and to its many workers in the field for the literature through which I have found indeed that "Love is the liberator" (Science and Health, p. 225), and have found peace and the consciousness of one Mind, or God. For more than four years I have been struggling and fighting against the thought of my color and the bondage of the negro race. I fought and prayed daily, hourly, for that Mind to be in me "which was also in Christ Jesus," that I might see the perfect man and overcome hate, prejudice, fear, and the many beliefs which seemed to rise from this bondage. This final conflict was mastered by steadfast reliance on God and the understanding gained through the study of Christian Science, which makes clear the unreality of every phase this illusion might present. Through a knowledge of the perfect creation, or man in the image and likeness of God, we prove man's birthright to be dominion, not subjection.
Having been lifted from a sense of sorrow, grief, pain, and suffering into the realm of love, joy, and peace which cannot be expressed, I can only strive more earnestly each day to prove my gratitude by living and practicing the truths taught in Christian Science, and by making manifest the works of Christ Jesus. I finally got to a place in the regenerating or healing of self where I found I needed help and correction. This help was asked for, and after two weeks' treatment and instruction which corrected my wrong way of thinking I felt strong and like another person. For the faithful work, which strengthened and supported me on to victory, I am ever grateful.
(Miss) Grace Kennedy, Oakmont, Pa.
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March 8, 1919 issue
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The League of Nations
Distribution Work
The Harp of Joy
The Real Meaning of the Sabbath
"Our Father-Mother God"
In an issue of your paper appeared an editorial headed...
Willard J. Welch
The letter in your columns, from a local preacher who...
W. Stuart Booth
Since a representative of another faith attacked Christian Science...
Judge Clifford P. Smith
Covenanting with God
William P. McKenzie
Trust in God
Annie M. Knott
William D. McCrackan
Among the Churches
with contributions from Charles E. Jarvis
Admission to Membership in The Mother Church
Charles E. Jarvis
The Lectures
with contributions from Frederick P. Burrall, Henry E. Cooper, Janet Palmer, Alice S. Burns
A few months ago I was billeted with four others in a...
Horace G. Laddiman
I want to express deepest gratitude for all the blessings...
Katherine S. Jenkins
I would like to express through the Sentinel or Journal...
Charles G. S. Cheney
I think it a great privilege as well as a duty to testify to...
Halsa Shinneman
With the dawning of each day, the unfolding of each...
Mary Hart Hilcher
While I have been interested in Christian Science for several...
Gertrude F. Young
I am so deeply grateful for Christian Science that I wish...
Amanda H. Schuette
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Alice Morgan Harrison, W. E. Burnett, W. H. Hopkins