that so much is being heard about a League of Nations and so much highly trained and earnest thought is being bestowed upon the subject and all that it implies and may entail, by some of the most responsible and serious people on both sides of the Atlantic, and on both sides of the equator too, may it not be interesting as well as profitable to examine whether any authority, and if so what sanction can be found for any such an idea or its fulfillment in Holy Writ.
the Psalms it is recorded that when the Jews were carried away captive and were required by their captors to sing the joyous songs of Zion, they hung their harps on the willows, complaining, "How shall we sing the Lord's song in a strange land?
anyone who is not a student of Christian Science and has therefore no understanding of the unreality of evil, the text, "Unto the pure all things are pure," must be wellnigh incomprehensible.
usually think of the Sabbath as a day which comes once a week, and not different from other days so far as the physical conditions of weather, number of hours, and the like, are concerned.
In an issue of your paper appeared an editorial headed "Pseudo Science!" It consisted of an excerpt from an article in The Christian Science Monitor and an attack on the statements made therein.
The letter in your columns, from a local preacher who protested against the enforced closing of churches, is well written and highly commendable, with one exception.
Since a representative of another faith attacked Christian Science in your columns, because of what it teaches on fear as related to an epidemic of disease, your readers are likely to be interested in what other persons, at least equally well informed, have said on the same subject.
"May I not tender the expression of my sincere thanks for the kind interest your committee has taken in us prisoners in giving us the opportunity to hear a Christian Science lecture?
The First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, Massachusetts, announces a free public lecture on Christian Science by George Shaw Cook, a member of The Christian Science Board of Lectureship, in the church edifice, Norway, Falmouth, and St.
Lecture notices can be printed in a particular number of the Sentinel when they reach the editorial department twelve days preceding its date of publication.
With the dawning of each day, the unfolding of each spiritual idea, comes new joy and gratitude that I am privileged to be a wayfarer on the road of Truth and to follow to some extent the example of Christ Jesus, as pointed out by our revered Leader, Mrs.
While I have been interested in Christian Science for several years, the last few weeks have brought me so much clearer an understanding that I must let no more time elapse before expressing my sincerest gratitude, with the hope that in so doing I may be of assistance to some one who has become discouraged with a slow healing.
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