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I am so deeply grateful for Christian Science that I wish...
I am so deeply grateful for Christian Science that I wish to express my gratitude through its literature as well as at the Wednesday evening meetings. It has been to me a great preventive against sickness, as I have not missed a day's work in ten years. I am very grateful to God for this loving protection, especially when a so-called epidemic swept the community.
I have never ceased to give thanks that I took my stand on the side of Christian Science the moment I began to study "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy. It came about in this way. In my high school years I began to seek the truth about God and decided that the church of my childhood did not satisfy me; therefore I cast about trying to find a church home, always having a deep and sincere desire to know the real church. I had attended Christian Science lectures since I was a little girl and in later years witnessed a permanent healing of organic trouble in our home. Eleven years ago, when a relative who was interested in Christian Science visited us, she told of what it would and could do. At the same time another member of the family was reading Science and Health. I, too, began to study the literature and to attend services, and as the truth has been unfolded to me during this time, the real church, founded on the rock, Christ, Truth, has been unfolded to me. I count myself privileged indeed.
I wish to speak of a healing which took place three years ago. On a Thursday my singing voice left me. As I was soloist at our local church I asked for help that I might be in my right place on Sunday morning. The condition was so improved that I sang with very little difficulty. On Monday it became worse so that I again asked for treatment. On Thursday I sang at a recital and every vestige of the hoarseness was gone, and I have never had a return of it.
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March 8, 1919 issue
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The League of Nations
Distribution Work
The Harp of Joy
The Real Meaning of the Sabbath
"Our Father-Mother God"
In an issue of your paper appeared an editorial headed...
Willard J. Welch
The letter in your columns, from a local preacher who...
W. Stuart Booth
Since a representative of another faith attacked Christian Science...
Judge Clifford P. Smith
Covenanting with God
William P. McKenzie
Trust in God
Annie M. Knott
William D. McCrackan
Among the Churches
with contributions from Charles E. Jarvis
Admission to Membership in The Mother Church
Charles E. Jarvis
The Lectures
with contributions from Frederick P. Burrall, Henry E. Cooper, Janet Palmer, Alice S. Burns
A few months ago I was billeted with four others in a...
Horace G. Laddiman
I want to express deepest gratitude for all the blessings...
Katherine S. Jenkins
I would like to express through the Sentinel or Journal...
Charles G. S. Cheney
I think it a great privilege as well as a duty to testify to...
Halsa Shinneman
With the dawning of each day, the unfolding of each...
Mary Hart Hilcher
While I have been interested in Christian Science for several...
Gertrude F. Young
I am so deeply grateful for Christian Science that I wish...
Amanda H. Schuette
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Alice Morgan Harrison, W. E. Burnett, W. H. Hopkins