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Love's Guidance and Protection
A young student of Christian Science found herself a stranger in a strange city, and for the first time in her life she had to look for a home. Cautioned by a relative before leaving for the new place to seek the best hotel and stay there until other quarters were found, the thought of finding a place did not disturb the student until she was told that all the hotels in the city were crowded and that for some time the city had been in such a congested condition that it was almost impossible to find accommodations. The principal of the school where the Christian Scientist was to teach kindly offered to go with her in search of a desirable place. They called at many houses where signs appeared in the windows, only to be told that the room was already taken or that they did not take women. All the afternoon was spent in this quest, ans as dusk came on the stranger said to her companion that it looked as though she would have to return to the city from which she came.
Silently the two walked on, when suddenly an angel, God's messenger, came to the Scientist with the question, Why not apply what you understand of Christian Science to the problem at hand? The student knew that the Father-Mother God has no homeless children. Only a few months before while at service in the only Christian Science church she had ever attended she had been healed of a throat affection and had never ceased to be grateful for that experience. Then the words of the beloved hymn, "Shepherd, Show Me How to Go" (Hymnal, p. 237), came as a prayer to the Love that cares for every one. As she turned away from all sense testimony and acknowledged God's ever presence and His infinite ability to lead every idea to its right place, all sense of weariness, discouragement, and fear dropped away. From that moment she refused to listen to suggestions of lack or fear, but determined to follow the leading of Principle.
They came to a halt in their walk, and the man who was accompanying her admitted that he really did not know where to look next. Then he showed her an advertisement cut out of the morning paper, and explained that since it was the only room in a private home advertised for rent, he had not mentioned it before, believing that of course the place would be taken before she arrived in town. The Christian Scientist, however, urged him to go with her to inquire about it, even though the hour was late and the room in another part of town. As they drew nearer the address given they noticed that they were coming into a very pretty and well kept section.
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February 15, 1919 issue
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Human Hypotheses
A Nurse's Experiences
Christian Science Church Services
Love's Guidance and Protection
Distribution Work
"What difference is there between the credulity that relies...
Louis E. Scholl
In line with many others who have expressed their approval...
W. Stuart Booth
Civilization Will Triumph
William P. McKenzie
Evil Drives and How to Stop Them
William D. McCrackan
"Watch and pray"
Annie M. Knott
Among the Churches
Charles E. Jarvis
The Lectures
with contributions from R. J. Davis, John M. Deadrich, Charles H. Hale
Christian Science healed me of sorrow and sickness after...
William George Austin
So many blessings have come to me through the power of...
Jennie C. Holmgren
I have been a recipient of many blessings through the...
J. M. Williams
I am thankful for the early training and shelter of a...
Violet E. Chambers with contributions from Edith A. Reynolds
Because of all that Christian Science has done for me it...
Margaret H. Emery
Eight years ago, while waiting for a train in Los Angeles, California...
Sue Hutchison Michel with contributions from Hazel Fulkerson
Christian Science first came to my attention about five...
Wallace G. Arnold
I must not delay longer in acknowledging the wonderful...
Harriet R. Williams
Language is inadequate to express the comfort and help...
Kate K. Brownlee