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Distribution Work
It is my happy privilege to serve in Christian Science literature distribution work. When it was first brought to my notice, I wondered what there could be to do in so small a church, and in a community where there seemed to be so much prejudice; but daily, before beginning my work, I engaged in silent prayer, which in Christian Science means turning to God for guidance and wisdom. I knew that only the truth about God and man is really desired by every one, and that Christian Science presents nothing else. Each periodical was carefully scanned before being marked and sent. The study of our Leader's writings had revealed to me that truth is the fact, and it always corrects the lie, or false belief.
I soon began to be busier and to receive requests and expressions of gratitude for the literature. A distribution committee was organized, though some of the members questioned whether there was enough for all to do. We then visited literature distribution and Monitor rooms in a nearby city, and read all the articles on hand pertaining to the work. Now the members here are all active, our meetings full of interest, and we have much to report.
A much loved member of our committee is a gentleman over eighty, who was formerly a member of the Society of Friends. His work each month is a wonder to us. His silent, healing thought and his loving-kindness are felt by every one who comes in contact with him. He goes to fire houses, trolley stations, public rest rooms, jails, barber shops, and wherever there seems to be an opening for the truth. We now have almost daily calls for literature, and frequent letters of thanks, accompanied by names of the writers' friends who they wish may receive the benefit of Christian Science. The glorious part about it all is that our consecrated Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, should have foreseen the world's need of each of our periodicals in its turn, have given it just the right name for the need it was to meet, and then launched it on the troubled waters, for the healing of the nations.
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February 15, 1919 issue
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Human Hypotheses
A Nurse's Experiences
Christian Science Church Services
Love's Guidance and Protection
Distribution Work
"What difference is there between the credulity that relies...
Louis E. Scholl
In line with many others who have expressed their approval...
W. Stuart Booth
Civilization Will Triumph
William P. McKenzie
Evil Drives and How to Stop Them
William D. McCrackan
"Watch and pray"
Annie M. Knott
Among the Churches
Charles E. Jarvis
The Lectures
with contributions from R. J. Davis, John M. Deadrich, Charles H. Hale
Christian Science healed me of sorrow and sickness after...
William George Austin
So many blessings have come to me through the power of...
Jennie C. Holmgren
I have been a recipient of many blessings through the...
J. M. Williams
I am thankful for the early training and shelter of a...
Violet E. Chambers with contributions from Edith A. Reynolds
Because of all that Christian Science has done for me it...
Margaret H. Emery
Eight years ago, while waiting for a train in Los Angeles, California...
Sue Hutchison Michel with contributions from Hazel Fulkerson
Christian Science first came to my attention about five...
Wallace G. Arnold
I must not delay longer in acknowledging the wonderful...
Harriet R. Williams
Language is inadequate to express the comfort and help...
Kate K. Brownlee