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When I first started the study of Christian Science, I...
When I first started the study of Christian Science, I received so much help and encouragement from the testimonies published in the Journal and Sentinel, also those given at the Wednesday evening meetings, that I send mine with the hope that it may help some one as I was helped. In 1914 I was healed of sciatic rheumatism in a few treatments from a Christian Science practitioner. Then I eagerly began the study of the Bible in the light of the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy. Through this study and attending the services regularly I was healed, in less than a year, of chronic sick headaches from which I had suffered for over twenty-five years, of kidney disease and nervous exhaustion, utter weariness of both mind and body, sleeplessness, defective circulation, chronic stomach trouble, ptomaine poisoning, and many other ills. As I have progressed in the understanding of God and His spiritual laws, I have been healed of sprained ankle twice. The first time the healing was accomplished in two treatments from a practitioner fifty miles distant; the second time, eighteen months later, the healing came instantaneously through my own declaration and realization of the omnipotence and omnipresence of God and His laws. I was afterwards healed of a broken wrist by the patient work of the same practitioner.
I can never be grateful enough to Mrs. Eddy for all the wonderful avenues which she so wisely and lovingly provided through which one can learn of this blessed truth. I am also grateful to the practitioners for their helpful and healing words of counsel. Christian Science has healed me of the fear of poverty in old age, of a sense of lack of many things, and has brought peace, and happiness, and strength in the place of worry, sorrow, and weakness. For all these blessings I am deeply grateful, but I can find no words to express my gratitude for the overcoming of my bitter hatred of God and man; I can only pray daily and hourly for more understanding.
(Mrs.) Mildred O. Tarlton, Houston, Texas.
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November 8, 1919 issue
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"He that shall endure"
The True Ministry of Health
"Before they call"
Spiritual Lessons
Permit me to reply to the ministerial attack on Christian Science...
Joseph E. Badger
The latest criticism of Christian Science by a writer in...
W. Stuart Booth
The Inner Meaning of Patience
William P. McKenzie
Ella W. Hoag
The Lectures
with contributions from Bicknell Young, Grace E. Gleason, A. J. Adams, Roy G. Loomer, A. C. Small, John Nelson Ross, Robert P. Walker
I am very grateful for Christian Science
M. Nielsen
My healing of almost unbearable nervousness and pain...
Beryl Umstot White
Christian Science was of such immeasurable value to me...
Remi E. Nadeau
When I first started the study of Christian Science, I...
Mildred O. Tarlton
It is nearly eight years since I came to Christian Science...
Ernest W. Allen
For several years I have received many benefits from...
Harry Flicker
I wish to express my gratitude for the many blessings...
Inez L. Wishard
A few years ago when first I heard of Christian Science,...
Frank B. Davies
For three years and a half I had not been without a nurse...
Rosalie S. Jacoby
In gratitude for Christian Science and the many blessings...
Elaine Pierucci