Christian Science we are often reminded that we live in perpetual nearness to God, and unnoticed opportunities for proving the presence and power of divine Love are all about us.
music of a gentle seaUpon a lonely strand,Soft purple of a hazy duskEnfolding sea and land;Above, a tiny star or twoBring peace to me—and you,Whose home lights shine across the bay —All part of Love's great plan.
Christian Science emanates from God, divine Mind; its activity is the operation of spiritual law reiterating the command, "Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
"The members of the Christian Science Society of Geneva, Switzerland, assembled in their semiannual general meeting, wish to express their sincere thanks for the good which has been done in French Switzerland through the generous help of the War Relief fund.
A fine
illustration of good humor is given in that story twice told in the New Testament of the woman of Canaan who sought healing for her daughter when Jesus visited the coasts of Tyre and Sidon.
A cunning
and unscrupulous enemy psychology does not content itself with breaking down merely the physical power of its opponent, but endeavors to place a destructive hand also upon his mental, moral, and financial resources.
an entirely false concept of the teachings of Christian Science, a good many people have thought of it as a form of superstition; but when they become in any degree acquainted with the Principle which underlies all of its teachings they see that they were entirely mistaken.
with contributions from Frederick Peitzsch, Benjamin D. Cornell, Violet Ker Seymer, Warren C. Klein, George C. Berkey, Douglas L. Edmonds, James D. Marshall, William Belknap
I wish to express my gratitude to God for the wonderful truth that is revealed by the study of the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs.
Nearly two years ago I started to investigate the teachings of Christian Science, although I had been brought up in another church and had been a member of it about twenty-nine years.
Having been healed by Christian Science, I desire to express my thankfulness to God through the columns of the Sentinel, so that all may know the great good which has come to me.
I am indeed grateful to Christian Science for a demonstration that was made in August, 1912, and which was the cause of my taking up the study that has proved such a blessing to me.
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with contributions from Frederick Peitzsch, Benjamin D. Cornell, Violet Ker Seymer, Warren C. Klein, George C. Berkey, Douglas L. Edmonds, James D. Marshall, William Belknap