the various questions which come up for consideration in one's experience, there are generally so many conditions and influences involved that it often seems difficult to reach a decision as to the proper relation of things and the right course to pursue.
some sixteen hundred years since the time of the primitive church, Christendom has stood for the saving from sin only, and has considered sickness and death as phases of God's government.
a relief it is to turn from the conglomeration of beliefs, misnamed laws, to the unchanging laws of Spirit, which, like the great Lawgiver, are "the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.
word of God has always existed, but it has not always been understood or accurately stated; hence scientific Christian healing was not always practiced.
Victory, it is clear, implies that something has been vanquished, and the importance of a victory is in proportion to the seeming importance of that which has been conquered or overcome.
A writer in the Union recently referred to Christian Science in commenting on medical inspection in the schools in a manner which left an inference that Christian Scientists do not observe the usual precautions in regard to communicable disease.
The indulgence in public denunciation of the honest religious convictions of others by a visiting clergyman, as reported in the Press, may gratify a whim of the critic, but is hardly in keeping with the spirit of Christian exemplified by Christ Jesus, and is surely not in line with the conduct usually expected of ministers of the gospel.
who was a churchgoing Christian, on meeting a Christian Scientist, began to discuss the prevalent epidemic concerning which there was much fear, and said, I suppose you Christian Scientists will stand steadfast in these troublous times.
long as the dream of mortal existence lasts we shall need to have a place of refuge from the numerous ills which beset humanity, all of these being but varied manifestations of the belief in a life separate from God, the one and only Life.
Lecture notices can be printed in a particular number of the Sentinel when they reach the editorial department twelve days preceding its date of publication.
I gratefully submit the following testimony in the hope that it may help some one as I have been helped by reading the testimonies in the Sentinel and Journal.
It is about three years since I took up the study of Christian Science, and words can never tell the deep gratitude I feel for the many blessings I have received.
It is three years since I commenced the study of Christian Science, and through it I have been healed of a long standing bowel trouble, also of curvature of the spine.
Catherine Joseph
with contributions from Katherine M. Pauly
It is fast approaching nine years since I took up the study of Christian Science, and while it was not primarily taken up for physical healing, I have experienced many healings.
For the past ten years Christian Science has been a constant help to me; especially has it relieved me from anxiety as to what the future might bring forth, making me satisfied to "take the manna of to-day" and hold no fear for tomorrow.
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