"The infinite calculus"

The responsive reading in church one Sunday morning, telling of the feeding of the five thousand in the wilderness, so illumined the writer's thought that with a little study later, a place was revealed where tired human reason could stop and rest. On this occasion Jesus bade his disciples to come "apart" from the busy throng and "rest a while." Perhaps we can reach the very place in thought where Jesus fed the multitude, and demonstrated for that time and all time an unlabored process of right reasoning,—through revelation instead of calculation. Compassion, one meaning of which as given by Webster is "fellowship in feeling," stirred the heart of the loving Master, and from this unselfed love, flowing from the fount of Love, abundance unlimited and universal poured forth, to feed forever all who "hunger and thirst after righteousness."

What was the process? What was it that soared above all material reasoning and grasped in understanding the Principle of the universe and made it manifest as a proposition which when demonstrated would multiply five loaves and a few fishes into food for thousands? Mrs. Eddy says, "Material substances or mundane formations, astronomical calculations, and all the paraphernalia of speculative theories, based on the hypothesis of material law or life and intelligence resident in matter, will ultimately vanish, swallowed up in the infinite calculus of Spirit" (Science and Health, p. 209). Having learned through revelation and not through letters, Jesus' mentality, free from "speculative theories" and at-one with the Father, knew the Principle before which the material science of numbers vanished, and he drew his deductions from "the infinite calculus," the oneness of God and His idea.

Realizing that God feeds and clothes His own idea, "the only begotten of the Father," Jesus scientifically drew the conclusion, and demonstrated it in fact, that the infinite One feeds and clothes all. Enough for one is enough for all, and the five loaves and few fishes were abundance and over for one. "In the scientific relation of God to man," Mrs. Eddy tells us (Science and Health, p. 206), "we find that whatever blesses one blesses all, as Jesus showed with the loaves and the fishes,—Spirit, not matter, being the source of supply."

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Mental Surgery
January 26, 1918

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