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Soldiers and Devoutness
We are at this time being constantly reminded of our obligations to those on land and sea who are rendering such heroic service in defense of civilization, which in its truer sense means Christianity. It goes without saying that we would none of us shirk in any wise the payment of this debt; hence we need to know how we can best meet it, and as Mrs. Eddy says (Science and Health, p. 1), "No loss can occur from trusting God with our desires, that they may be moulded and exalted before they take form in words and in deeds."
Students of Christian Science can never think of the men who are serving the country, whether in camp or on the battlefield, as other than the highest type of men, whose deepest needs and desires are moral and spiritual, in brief, as our brother. If any who accept the gospel teachings question this statement they may recall Matthew's account of the centurion who came to Jesus and asked him to heal his servant who was desperately ill. We are told that when Jesus offered to go with him, the centurion spoke of his own unworthiness to have the Master enter his home, but he did not stop at this, for he added, "Speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed." We read that Jesus marveled and said to those about him, "I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel." Nor is this all, for we are told that at Jesus' crucifixion, the centurion who stood by the cross said, "Truly this was the Son of God,"—a remarkable confession when we remember that it took Simon Peter long association with Jesus to reach this conviction and to voice his recognition of the truth it declares.
From a careful study of the book of Acts we find that Peter and also Paul brought the Christ-teaching to a number of soldiers. In the tenth chapter we read of a centurion stationed at Cæsarea and belonging to the Italian band: "A devout man, and one that feared God with all his house." We read that, in seeking further illumination from the Mind that governs the universe, he was led to send for the apostle Peter, who was then at Joppa, and his two household servants who were sent to Peter were accompanied by "a devout soldier." In this chapter we read of Peter's missionary work in Cæsarea, and here we find his inspired declaration that "God is no respecter of persons." This was followed by testimony concerning the healing work of Christ Jesus, and we need not wonder at that which follows, namely, "While Peter yet spake these words, the Holy Ghost fell on all them which heard the word."
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January 26, 1918 issue
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Waiting Hours
Lessons from an Iceberg
In Confidence
"The infinite calculus"
Mental Surgery
Love's Protecting Power
In a reference to Christian Science a writer mistakenly...
Frederick R. Rhodes
Christian Science does not deny that sin exists as a human...
Samuel Greenwood
Christ Jesus was misunderstood, misrepresented, and...
W. Stuart Booth
The Strength of Kindliness
William P. McKenzie
Soldiers and Devoutness
Annie M. Knott
Perfect Peace
William D. McCrackan
Christian Science War Relief
The Lectures
with contributions from Bicknell Young, Margaret W. Dyer, Peter V. Ross, Mr, Hammond, Bliss Knapp, Joseph M. Thomas
In gratitude for Christian Science and what it has done...
Anna Katharine Leuzinger
Though interested in Christian Science only two years,...
Emily L. McVittie
"God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in...
Arthur J. Perrow with contributions from Gladys M. Perrow
Eighteen years ago Christian Science came to me
Olive M. Bruner
We are told that "man's extremity is God's opportunity."...
Elisabeth Laumer
I would like to give testimony through the Sentinel of...
Margaret J. Westwood
Often have I wanted to relate the benefits derived from...
Susan B. Grant
Mrs. Eddy defines angels as "God's thoughts passing to...
M. J. McWilliams
It is with a deep sense of gratitude for what Christian Science...
Jessie Hough Rucker
Twenty-one years ago the Christ, Truth, was brought...
Keziah M. Brown
From the Press
with contributions from Joseph Fort Newton, L. P. Jacks
The Christian Science Publishing Society