I would like to give testimony through the Sentinel of...

I would like to give testimony through the Sentinel of the good that Christian Science has brought to me after many years of suffering. After undergoing three operations with the hope that I would be made well,—the doctors having all said I should be a new woman,—I did not seem any better, although I continued to have medical treatment for months after the last operation. One day the kind doctor said he would like to have me go to another specialist, but on my way home from his office I met a friend who asked me why I did not try Christian Science. At first I refused to listen, but she was so loving that I said I would try anything that would do me any good so as not to have to go to another doctor. I had lost all faith in everybody and everything, and also believed that God brought disease and suffering. My talk with a Christian Science practitioner convinced me that I was wrong in thinking as I did, and I promised to do differently. I gave up all medicine, and from that day began to feel better, to see everybody and everything in a different light. I can look back over the last three and a half years and know that most of my troubles had been brought on from worry.

I am thankful to God for the love and happiness that have come to me through Christian Science, also grateful to Mrs. Eddy for this wonderful healing truth.

Mrs. Margaret J. Westwood, Waltham, Mass.

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Testimony of Healing
Often have I wanted to relate the benefits derived from...
January 26, 1918

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