responsive reading in church one Sunday morning, telling of the feeding of the five thousand in the wilderness, so illumined the writer's thought that with a little study later, a place was revealed where tired human reason could stop and rest.
With vision of a seer, glad and free,The artist casts bright halos, as he paints,Around the heads of fair and holy saints,That humankind their holiness may see.
Accompanying the growing appreciation of the effectiveness and availability of Christian Science healing, is an increasingly insistent inquiry as to what is Christian Science treatment, or what are the means through which are accomplished the remarkable results experienced by adherents of this teaching.
Christ Jesus was misunderstood, misrepresented, and maligned, all because his hearers endeavored to judge his absolutely spiritual precepts and practice from a premise of material hypotheses and doctrinal beliefs.
"You will be interested to learn that the San Francisco churches announced from the desk last Wednesday evening that contributions would be received for the relief of the Halifax sufferers.
who was a visitor to this continent from another shore, who came and went several times, on one of his visits confessed that the one thing impressive about the free people of the United States was their great kindliness.
are at this time being constantly reminded of our obligations to those on land and sea who are rendering such heroic service in defense of civilization, which in its truer sense means Christianity.
In order to be better prepared to give spiritual help in the Army and Navy through Christian Science literature and in other ways, it is desired to secure the names and present complete mail address of all officers and men in the military, naval, or aero service of the United States and of its allies, who are Christian Scientists or who have shown an interest in Christian Science.
Though interested in Christian Science only two years, I feel that I have sadly procrastinated in not sending to the field my acknowledgment of a few of my blessings at least, for it would take too much space to enumerate all those which have come to me since I turned to Truth for help.
Often have I wanted to relate the benefits derived from the study of Christian Science, and tell of the peace and contentment that have come to me through its influence; but I have hesitated, as there has been no special physical healing in my case, although many minor troubles have disappeared.
Twenty-one years ago the Christ, Truth, was brought to my consciousness, and as a result these have been years of peace and contentment, and life has been worth living.
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