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The effort of a public speaker to besmirch the character...
Stubig's Weekly
The effort of a public speaker to besmirch the character of a good Christian woman and hold up to ridicule the church she founded, reminds one of the persecution of Jesus of Nazareth by the religious leaders in his day. The Master was indicted on several counts. They hurled vile epithets at him, accusing him of being a winebibber and a glutton. They accused him of doing his works through Beelzebub. They hounded him as a criminal, and finally succeeded in nailing him to the cross. What had Jesus done that the religious leaders were so enraged and wanted to kill him? Was it not because he came teaching a more spiritual doctrine, and proved his faith by his works? When the people would no longer listen to his words, Jesus pleaded with them to consider his works of healing.
Mrs. Eddy brought to this age a message of great spirituality, and has so taught the gospel of Christ Jesus that signs of healing the sick have followed, even as the Master promised. That day has passed for an intelligent man to refer to Christian Science as a sham religion, or to assert that Christian Science does not heal the sick. Hundreds of thousands of men and women in our country have been healed through Christian Science of almost all kinds of disease, and they include ministers, physicians, bankers, business men, judges, attorneys, and many in the common walk of life. This healing work is going on daily.
Not only does Christian Science heal disease, but it also heals sin. It is bringing surcease from sorrow; it is reforming the drunkard; it is leading men and women out of infidelity and atheism and giving them an intelligent, demonstrable understanding of God. Through Christian Science people are led to read and to love the Bible, and a greater desire is awakened to follow in the footsteps of Christ Jesus. The earnest seeker after truth need not go outside of his own city to find evidence of the good that Christian Science is doing in the world. The apostle James wrote, "Show me thy faith without thy works, and I will show thee my faith by my works."
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August 4, 1917 issue
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Scientific Teaching in the Sunday School
Awake in the Night
Gratitude to Mrs. Eddy
Talking with God
"Tired children"
The effort of a public speaker to besmirch the character...
Lloyd B. Coate
Christian Scientists do not endeavor to isolate themselves,...
Thorwald Siegfried
It is now forty-two years since Mrs. Eddy first published...
W. Stuart Booth
In the report of a recent sermon there is a reference to...
Charles W. J. Tennant
Go Forward
William P. McKenzie
The Science of Liberty
William D. McCrackan
What God Hath Joined Together
Annie M. Knott
The Lectures
with contributions from T. P. Laird, John C. F. Slayton, Salem A. Hart, Jr., Eldred H. Warner, Hugh Stuart Campbell, Helen Snow, Lillian C. Kenyon, Asyth L. Hawk
Early in 1916 I joined the army, and I did so without...
Edwin Albert Garner
Five years before I learned of Christian Science the doctor...
Prudence Rawson
I have gained so much help from reading the testimonies of...
Frank L. Grannis with contributions from Laura Johnston Grannis
Such a beautiful illustration of God's way of caring for...
Marcia E. Gaier
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from William Arnold Shanklin, John G. Hill, Joseph Fort Newton