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The Lectures
A lecture on Christian Science was delivered in the Palace Theater by Clarence W. Chadwick. The meeting was presided over by Dr. R. Ramsey of Glasgow, who said if any one had told him ten years ago that he would have been filling such a position, he did not think he would have believed it. At that time he was in the practice of medicine. A patient returned from abroad, where he had been for the sake of his health, and claimed that he had been healed by Christian Science. He advised him (the speaker) to get the text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, and he did so, and started a systematic examination of it, chiefly, he was afraid, with feelings of opposition. He examined the text-book carefully with the Bible, and he was now absolutely convinced that it contained a true statement of the method of healing employed by their Master, Jesus the Christ, and his disciples, and brought to us through the work of Mrs. Eddy.—The Newcastle Chronicle.
A healthy public mind, as well as the individual mind, should always be open to the truth in any form, no matter by whom it is presented, said William K. Mott in introducing Prof. Hermann S. Hering, who lectured on Christian Science at the High School auditorium. In no other way can public or private knowledge be increased or the public or individual conscience awakened. Ignorance is the parent of narrowmindedness and most of the many ills that grow out of this condition. We should not only at all times be in a receptive mood for the truth, but always in search of that priceless jewel, for no one is wise enough to tell beforehand where it may or may not be found. We find ourselves in the shadow or in the sunlight exactly in the measure that we open the windows of our intellects and let in the sunlight of truth.
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April 8, 1916 issue
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Doing Our Own Work Well
Efficacy of True Prayer
Upon Leaving Home
Cooperation in Church Building
A Tribute
A correspondent accuses me of offering no defense to the...
Charles W. J. Tennant
Two letters written by a clergyman, which appeared in the...
Samuel Greenwood
In the address which was delivered before the Texas Hardware...
James D. Sherwood
The confidence and cock-sureness with which our critic...
Burton H. Wade
Measuring Our Gratitude
Archibald McLellan
Earth's Atmosphere
Annie M. Knott
"Be not dismayed"
John B. Willis
Admission to Membership in The Mother Church
John V. Dittemore
The Lectures
with contributions from Frederick C. Hill
When I first thought seriously about Christian Science, it...
White Doesburg with contributions from Jean Lawrie Doesburg
In March, 1908, I had all my arrangements made for...
Josephine Kean Goldberg
I wish to express my gratitude for Christian Science, and...
Marjory M. Kultchar
Words cannot express my thankfulness to God, and my...
Esther Pavey Condy
While reading Science and Health it became possible for...
Struve J. Schulte
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from G. Beesley Austin, Clarence Lathbury, Frank B. McAllister