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After having been healed through Christian Science of...
After having been healed through Christian Science of ailments which the physician said only an operation could relieve, and after studying Science and Health together with the Bible for several months, I found that I was again to become a mother, a fact that would have filled me with terror a few months before. With an understanding of Christian Science, however, I knew there was nothing to fear, and when any discordant conditions appeared they were overcome with the truth.
Before our little son was born, I had suffered very severely from what the physician said was a form of sciatic rheumatism, caused by my condition, and he could do nothing to relieve me. This ailment now began to assert itself and seemed very real, but as I had suffered so long with it the previous time, I at once asked the practitioner for help, with the result that in a little while it entirely disappeared. Some months later I was troubled with a varicose vein which seemed about to break through the skin, but I studied the Bible and Science and Health daily and suffered no pain from it. As it was not overcome through my own understanding, I spoke to a practitioner about it, and in one treatment it was entirely healed. The swelling went down and there was not a sign of any disorder. I was perfectly well.
When in February, 1914, a little daughter was born, I was alone in the house. The birth was perfectly harmonious and I had no fear, as I was trusting all to divine Love, which certainly met every need. About seven o'clock in the morning my little girl had telephoned to the nurse and the practitioner, while I was busy with the morning housework, and when she left for school I was all alone with God. The nurse arrived ten minutes after the baby was born and pronounced mother and child in perfect condition. About two hours later I sat up in bed and ate my breakfast. In two days I was around the house, and at no time was there any feeling of weakness. I have been doing all the housework and caring for my three children since the baby was a week old, whereas when my other children came I was so weak I could do nothing for six weeks and then was not strong enough to nurse them. With the help of Christian Science I have been able to nurse this child, and she is exceedingly strong and active.
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April 8, 1916 issue
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Doing Our Own Work Well
Efficacy of True Prayer
Upon Leaving Home
Cooperation in Church Building
A Tribute
A correspondent accuses me of offering no defense to the...
Charles W. J. Tennant
Two letters written by a clergyman, which appeared in the...
Samuel Greenwood
In the address which was delivered before the Texas Hardware...
James D. Sherwood
The confidence and cock-sureness with which our critic...
Burton H. Wade
Measuring Our Gratitude
Archibald McLellan
Earth's Atmosphere
Annie M. Knott
"Be not dismayed"
John B. Willis
Admission to Membership in The Mother Church
John V. Dittemore
The Lectures
with contributions from Frederick C. Hill
When I first thought seriously about Christian Science, it...
White Doesburg with contributions from Jean Lawrie Doesburg
In March, 1908, I had all my arrangements made for...
Josephine Kean Goldberg
I wish to express my gratitude for Christian Science, and...
Marjory M. Kultchar
Words cannot express my thankfulness to God, and my...
Esther Pavey Condy
While reading Science and Health it became possible for...
Struve J. Schulte
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from G. Beesley Austin, Clarence Lathbury, Frank B. McAllister