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Among the Churches
Current Notes
Nebraska. — During the year which ended Oct. 31, 1915, 206 copies of Mrs. Eddy's works have been placed in various libraries in the state, with 44 yearly subscriptions to the Sentinel, Journal, Herold, and Monitor. So far as reported, committees of churches and societies and individuals have distributed Christian Science literature as follows: 11,585 Sentinels, 1889 Journals, 688 Herolds, 51,795 Monitors, and 4602 miscellaneous publications, making a total of 70,559 pieces. From the office of the committee on publication the following distributions have been made: Term subscriptions, 115 Sentinels, 3 Herolds, 244 Monitors; total copies distributed, 1380 Sentinels, 36 Herolds, 4367 Monitors, 733 of Senator Works' speech, 120 newspapers and miscellany, and 9 of the works of Mrs. Eddy. Total copies from all sources reported. 82,264. — Committee on Publication.
Beaumont, Texas. — Work on the new church building to be erected by the congregation of First Church of Christ, Scientist, will start immediately. The structure will be built at Calder Avenue and Main Street and will cost approximately fifteen thousand dollars, including furnishings. It will be finished by June 1.—Beaumont Enterprise.
Lancaster, N. H. — The Unitarian Society of Lancaster has presented its church building and the land on which it stands to the Christian Science Society of this town. No use has been made of the property for several years, but the Unitarians are desirous that the building should be put to some good use, and feel that in giving it to the Christian Scientists it will be improved and maintained. The deed of gift has already been issued by the Unitarian Society, and the transfer of the property is expected daily. The Scientists greatly appreciate the generosity of the donors, as it has made possible a church home for them, something they have desired for some time. —The Coos County Democrat.
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April 8, 1916 issue
View Issue-
Doing Our Own Work Well
Efficacy of True Prayer
Upon Leaving Home
Cooperation in Church Building
A Tribute
A correspondent accuses me of offering no defense to the...
Charles W. J. Tennant
Two letters written by a clergyman, which appeared in the...
Samuel Greenwood
In the address which was delivered before the Texas Hardware...
James D. Sherwood
The confidence and cock-sureness with which our critic...
Burton H. Wade
Measuring Our Gratitude
Archibald McLellan
Earth's Atmosphere
Annie M. Knott
"Be not dismayed"
John B. Willis
Admission to Membership in The Mother Church
John V. Dittemore
The Lectures
with contributions from Frederick C. Hill
When I first thought seriously about Christian Science, it...
White Doesburg with contributions from Jean Lawrie Doesburg
In March, 1908, I had all my arrangements made for...
Josephine Kean Goldberg
I wish to express my gratitude for Christian Science, and...
Marjory M. Kultchar
Words cannot express my thankfulness to God, and my...
Esther Pavey Condy
While reading Science and Health it became possible for...
Struve J. Schulte
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from G. Beesley Austin, Clarence Lathbury, Frank B. McAllister