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In connection with the somewhat obscure reference to...
Elko (Nev.) Independent
In connection with the somewhat obscure reference to Christian Science in the first sentence of the very interesting article on "Inner Details of the Ford Expedition" in the Independent, I should like to point out for the benefit of your readers that the methods of this expedition and Christian Science have nothing in common. An editorial in The Christian Science Monitor for Dec. 11 said: "The simple truth is that the peacemaker in a hurry always fails to realize that patched-up peaces are only the preludes to further wars." Various other editorials in the Monitor for the past few months have dealt with the whole subject similarly. Any one who so wishes may therefore very easily determine for himself what the authorized literature of Christian Science has to say on the subject of peace and war.
Neither the Bible nor the works of Mrs. Eddy give us any basis for saying, "Peace, peace; when there is no peace." The teachings of Christian Science show us, however, that as we actually turn to and are guided by Principle, the adjustment of the human consciousness to the standard of Principle goes on continually, even through seeming turmoil, until a very real peace is manifested. Just as a Christian Science practitioner does not intrude his aid unsought in any case, but waits until his assistance is specifically asked for, so the would-be peacemaker in Christian Science can accomplish most by minding his own business until his good offices are really desired.
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April 8, 1916 issue
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Doing Our Own Work Well
Efficacy of True Prayer
Upon Leaving Home
Cooperation in Church Building
A Tribute
A correspondent accuses me of offering no defense to the...
Charles W. J. Tennant
Two letters written by a clergyman, which appeared in the...
Samuel Greenwood
In the address which was delivered before the Texas Hardware...
James D. Sherwood
The confidence and cock-sureness with which our critic...
Burton H. Wade
Measuring Our Gratitude
Archibald McLellan
Earth's Atmosphere
Annie M. Knott
"Be not dismayed"
John B. Willis
Admission to Membership in The Mother Church
John V. Dittemore
The Lectures
with contributions from Frederick C. Hill
When I first thought seriously about Christian Science, it...
White Doesburg with contributions from Jean Lawrie Doesburg
In March, 1908, I had all my arrangements made for...
Josephine Kean Goldberg
I wish to express my gratitude for Christian Science, and...
Marjory M. Kultchar
Words cannot express my thankfulness to God, and my...
Esther Pavey Condy
While reading Science and Health it became possible for...
Struve J. Schulte
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from G. Beesley Austin, Clarence Lathbury, Frank B. McAllister