More than twenty thousand tons of woodflour, valued at $300,000, are used annually in the United States in two widely different industries,—the manufacture of dynamite and the manufacture of inlaid linoleum.
human consciousness first hears through the teachings of Christian Science that God, who is all good, is the only power, it eagerly reaches out to grasp the manifold blessings which accompany such a revelation.
all the gifts wherewith God gladdens our earthly pilgrimage there is surely none more noble and beauteous than friendship, that joyous blessing which comes to sow earth's barren places with fragrant flowerets of Love divine.
its fundamental teachings Christian Science upholds the Scriptural truth expressed in the first chapter of Genesis, namely, that man is the image and likeness of God.
thou hadst keptThe tablet of thy mind so clean and fairThat God could write thereon His precious wordOf love and healing to a sin-sick world,Were miracle enough! Yet great this also:That thou couldst stand upon that Horeb heightAnd hold this message high for men to see.
In connection with the somewhat obscure reference to Christian Science in the first sentence of the very interesting article on "Inner Details of the Ford Expedition" in the Independent, I should like to point out for the benefit of your readers that the methods of this expedition and Christian Science have nothing in common.
Two letters written by a clergyman, which appeared in the Gazette, are rather extraordinary, if for nothing else than the amazing assumption that because the writer has read the Christian Science text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs.
In the address which was delivered before the Texas Hardware and Implement Association in this city, Doctor —, who is said to be a student of psychology, is reported to have "challenged Mrs.
The happiness which is reflected in the faces of those who attend Christian Science churches is but the result of an inward peace which comes from a knowledge of God and an earnest desire to express the fruit of the Spirit,—"love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance.
the parable of the good Samaritan, whereby Jesus answered the lawyer's question as to whom he should regard as his neighbor, the great Teacher apparently sought to break down the narrow human sense which would limit one's benefactions to his family and more intimate acquaintances.
As the seasons follow each other with extremes of cold and heat, according to material evidence, a great many people still attribute these conditions to the inscrutable decrees of Providence, while others seek to account for them, though not very satisfactorily it must be confessed, from the standpoint of belief in material law.
its seeming hindrances and defeats, human history has proved beyond peradventure that truth demonstrated always survives and in the long run overcomes every resistance to its advance.
White Doesburg
with contributions from Jean Lawrie Doesburg
When I first thought seriously about Christian Science, it did not seem to me that I needed salvation, nor was I conscious of anything from which I wanted to be saved.
I am writing this testimony trusting that it may help some one who has given up all hope of ever being well and happy again, just as I did before I came under the loving care of Christian Science several years ago.
After having been healed through Christian Science of ailments which the physician said only an operation could relieve, and after studying Science and Health together with the Bible for several months, I found that I was again to become a mother, a fact that would have filled me with terror a few months before.
Words cannot express the deep gratitude I feel for the moral, spiritual, and physicial benefits that have come to me through the understanding and application of the truth as taught in Christian Science.
While reading Science and Health it became possible for me to abandon the use of tobacco, liquor, and profane and vulgar language, also cruelty to animals.
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