Christian Science is not a mere philosophy, but a revival of...

Duluth (Minn.) Herald

Christian Science is not a mere philosophy, but a revival of the religious teachings of Jesus the Christ in their original interpretation and demonstration. So far from being at all related to pantheism, it is the absolute antipode.

Whether Christian Science or any other religion is true or false, is not a mere matter of statement, but one of proof. Truth is demonstrable, and demonstration proves it true. Christian Science in the short period of fifty years has shown to the world that the works of the Master can be performed now even as they were in early Christian history, and that his teachings are life and truth, as shown in the healing of disease, the destruction of sin, and even in his ultimate demonstration, the resurrection from the dead. He indicated that all his might perform the same mighty works that he did, and the rule which he gave for measuring a Christian was indicated in his statement: "These signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; they shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover."

We may not be able to meet the test in all directions with one bound, but he who cannot yet fully do so is in no position to judge others who are similarly striving; and when he shall have attained, he will also have reached that height of humility possessed by the Master, which sought not the occasion to judge and to condemn but rather to have compassion and to commend.

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