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In Hebrews we read much about the word faith, but until I...
In Hebrews we read much about the word faith, but until I was practically forced to accept Christian Science several years ago, for the healing of an inflamed bladder, kidney trouble, fibroid growth, and milk-leg of fourteen years' duration, I realized but little of the true meaning of this word; it was brought to mind by some remarks of a niece five years old. She and her mother were living with her grandmother, a Christian Scientist. While I was suffering "many things of many physicians" and had been confined to my bed for weeks, this little girl came tripping in one day and stood looking at me. Finally she asked why I did not get up. I replied that I could not ; she said I could if I would read Christian Science. Only through this blessed truth as taught in Christian Science do we come to realize why Jesus loved little children and held them up as an example. I thank God now for the lesson of faith, loyalty, love, and purity expressed in those few lisping words spoken twelve years ago. My healing has been very slow, but all the ailments except the milk-leg have vanished, and the condition of the leg is greatly improved. I still have much of self to overcome, but I am more than thankful to divine Love for the knowledge that all things are possible with God.
When I first began to attend the testimony meetings, I always felt sorry to hear those giving their testimonies close with the remark that the physical relief was not to be compared with the spiritual uplift which had come through Christian Science. At that time I did not believe any one could be more thankful for anything than for freedom from physical suffering, but now I know that if I had not had that spiritual uplift I would long ago have fallen under the cross, for times without number it grew heavy. I always found much comfort in reading of other Scientists who had gone some distance ahead, and were calling to those still struggling with some tenacious error to come on, for it was beautiful up where they were now standing. Then I would realize that I needed more faith in God's allness.
It is surely a pleasure to testify to the efficacy of Christian Science. I only pray that I may give out as much as I receive from the testimonies of others. This is the first time I have publicy acknowledged the manifold blessings that have come to me through the applied knowledge of Christian Science. I would say with the apostle, "Let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name."
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May 22, 1915 issue
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Disease Not Real
Thought Gardens
Ruth Ingraham
"Skyward flight"
"I AM"
"To whom shall we go?"
Our Church Singing
Angel Reapers
You were kind enough to find space in a recent issue for...
Duncan Sinclair
An evangelist in your city has been making persisitent...
Ezra W. Palmer
Uncompromised Truth
Archibald McLellan
"A thousand years"
Annie M. Knott
Love's Protest
John B. Willis
"Well done"
William P. McKenzie
The Lectures
with contributions from Charles E. von Heitman, Samuel Russell, Jr., Edmund F. Burton, Warren C. Klein, C. M. Morse
For more than thirty years I have been in the practice of...
Louis S. Keller
Christian Science has done so much for me that I wish to...
Lulu Matzenbach
I would add my testimony of gratitude for the blessings...
Friedrich Christiansen
In Hebrews we read much about the word faith, but until I...
Phebe E. Hunter
For many years I was a miserably unhappy man, owing...
Matthew Nelson
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from A. T. Bannister