Secretary Lane of the department of the interior, in his statement of classification activities of the department for the month of March, shows that during this month the lands restored to entry exceed those withdrawn by more than one half million acres.
teaching of Christian Science, that disease is not real, is not always hospitably received, even in quarters where it is most needed; yet it is the best friend of the sick, for it offers them the only means of escape.
the third chapter of Exodus we read: "And Moses said unto God, Behold, when I come unto the children of Israel, and shall say unto them, The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they shall say to me, What is his name?
the sixth chapter of John's gospel we find it recorded that many of the disciples of Jesus "went back, and walked no more with him," and that when Jesus asked of the twelve, "Will ye also go away?
the fifth chapter of Matthew, which gives a portion of the Sermon on the Mount, the last verse reads: "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.
O Lord
of harvest, when the seedIs swaying into ripened grain,Take from its side the stubborn weed,—The sin, disease, and pain;And on the happy harvest morn,When reapers greet the quiet day,Let glory gild the golden cornWith Love's celestial ray.
You were kind enough to find space in a recent issue for a letter of mine dealing with one or two points raised in a review in the Observer of earlier date.
A communication to the Tribune from a gentleman in Iowa severely arraigns Senator Works for sending out under his frank, in accordance with a custom of long standing, copies of a speech delivered by him in the Senate.
The view-points of The Sun and of the Christian Scientists, regarding the constitutional right of the individual to employ the practitioner of his choice, differ so widely that I feel sure you will be glad to give space to a reply to the article entitled "The Christian Science Amendment to the Health Law," published recently, even though you may not be willing to admit the soundness of its claims.
An evangelist in your city has been making persisitent attacks on Christian Science, apparently with the intention of creating in the minds of the public a feeling averse to this church.
A discussion of Christian Science necessarily involves going to the original sources of information and studying them in the light of the interpretation thereof prescribed by the Discoverer and Founder, Mrs.
For Truth that has dawned upon error's long night,O'erspanning the cloud with its rainbow of light;For Love ever present, dispelling the gloom,Transforming earth's drought into fresheness and bloom;The balm of the healing Christ ever at hand,Supply all-sufficient for daily demand;For hope growing brighter, calm trust that sustains;For strength in the conflict, sweet peace which remains;For loved ones now walking this same narrow way,Whose fellowship cheers in the heat of the day;—For all the sweet joys which my footsteps attend,I thank Thee, dear Father, redeemer and friend.
Christian Scientists,
in their endeavor to present the teachings of their religion in a way which will not too violently conflict with the views of those with whom they may be talking, are sometimes unconsciously under the temptation to color their statements or modify their practices to suit the previous concepts of their auditors.
the Scriptures the phrase "a thousand years" is many times used symbolically, sometimes to contrast the mortal sense of time with the spiritual idea of eternity.
has not felt a shuddering recoil upon discovering that the heart of a rare, sweet rose has become the banquet hall of a loathsome worm,—that into its perfumed chambers has come this hideously stupid creature, bent solely upon the satisfaction of a grossness that with consuming leisure enters the matchless halls of a palace of purity, and leaves them reeking with foulness and decay.
It was not because of physical healing that I first became interested in Christian Science, but a few of its fundamental teachings were told me, and I was immediately convinced that it was the truth, and that one only had to apply it to everyday experiences in order to prove all that was claimed for it.
In Hebrews we read much about the word faith, but until I was practically forced to accept Christian Science several years ago, for the healing of an inflamed bladder, kidney trouble, fibroid growth, and milk-leg of fourteen years' duration, I realized but little of the true meaning of this word; it was brought to mind by some remarks of a niece five years old.
For many years I was a miserably unhappy man, owing in great measure to my failure to find in the various denominations that religious comfort for which my soul craved.
O guide
unfailing, always art Thou here!Though earth's obscuring mists would intervene,Through consciousness uplifted Thou art seen,By Truth revealed in Spirit's atmosphere.
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