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[Translated from the German]
I would add my testimony of gratitude for the blessings...
I would add my testimony of gratitude for the blessings which we have received through Christian Science. Though disease was not what led us to find this teaching, we have experienced God's love and mercy in every other way. About a year ago my wife and a friend called upon a Christian Science practitioner, who received them kindly and gave them information on the Christ-healing. I shall never forget the hour when, upon their return, they told me of a loving God who never sends evil or disease upon His children. It was as if a great change had come over us; we felt regenerated, as it were, and turned to God and to Christian Science with all fervor and confidence.
Christian Science has brought a sense of great unity and happiness into our home, and God's love is manifested everywhere in our domestic life as well as in our business dealings. The one thing that makes us feel sorry is that there are so few adherents of this religion in this part of the country, and that it is not possible for us to attend a Christian Science church or a meeting. But the frequent visits of a dear practitioner, who lovingly strengthens our faith and with whom we come together in the spirit of unity, helps us to cling to God and His idea, and results have been apparent in several instances.
On one occasion, one of our children became unable to walk with his shoes on, because of his foot being swollen; when the swelling extended to the whole leg, we feared a serious condition and applied to the practitioner for help, which was given immediately. On the afternoon of the following day the little fellow was jumping around, and nothing ailed him. We also have a little boy who was afflicted with double hernia since birth, and the dear child wore a truss until he was four years of age. After we became acquainted with Christian Science and understood its teaching that man in the image and likeness of God can only be perfect, also had availed ourselves of a practitioner's assistance, the truss was discarded, and the child is free, as the trouble has not manifested itself again.
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May 22, 1915 issue
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Disease Not Real
Thought Gardens
Ruth Ingraham
"Skyward flight"
"I AM"
"To whom shall we go?"
Our Church Singing
Angel Reapers
You were kind enough to find space in a recent issue for...
Duncan Sinclair
An evangelist in your city has been making persisitent...
Ezra W. Palmer
Uncompromised Truth
Archibald McLellan
"A thousand years"
Annie M. Knott
Love's Protest
John B. Willis
"Well done"
William P. McKenzie
The Lectures
with contributions from Charles E. von Heitman, Samuel Russell, Jr., Edmund F. Burton, Warren C. Klein, C. M. Morse
For more than thirty years I have been in the practice of...
Louis S. Keller
Christian Science has done so much for me that I wish to...
Lulu Matzenbach
I would add my testimony of gratitude for the blessings...
Friedrich Christiansen
In Hebrews we read much about the word faith, but until I...
Phebe E. Hunter
For many years I was a miserably unhappy man, owing...
Matthew Nelson
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from A. T. Bannister