[Translated from the German]

At the age of thirteen I became afflicted with curvature of...

At the age of thirteen I became afflicted with curvature of the spine, which caused the right side of my back to protrude considerably. My parents felt that something must be done immediately, and they took me to a physician, according to whose advice I had gymnastics in connection with massage at regular intervals. Six months later we consulted another physician, who also diagnosed the case as curvature of the spine, and prescribed the use of a corset to correct it. None was secured, however, on account of the expense it involved, which my parents were unable to meet. About six years later I heard of Christian Science, and soon after attending the Wednesday evening meetings we asked a practitioner for treatment, the result being that in about one year's time I was healed. We feel very happy about my healing, and thankful indeed to God, as well as grateful to our Leader, Mrs. Eddy. Six years have elapsed since my healing, and I have been entirely well during that time, and able to attend to my business.—Frida Gosse, Berlin, Germany.

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Testimony of Healing
Some years ago I suffered from a severe throat affection...
February 27, 1915

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