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Through a copy of the Sentinel which my husband found...
Through a copy of the Sentinel which my husband found in a railway carriage while on a journey to the north of Scotland, several years ago, we learned of Christian Science, and since then we have had many proofs of its healing power.
One morning my little girl was quite suddenly seized with acute pain, and I immediately telephoned to a Christian Science practitioner for treatment for her. In three hours the pain became less acute and the child fell into a quiet sleep. Day by day the pain became intermittent and less acute, so that in a week she was able to be up for a short time and in a fortnight was down-stairs. She looked much thinner but felt quite normal in every way, except that she could not stand erect and there was a stiffness round the part where the pain had been.
A fortnight later there was every appearance of an abcess beginning to discharge. The practitioner told me to call in a doctor, to satisfy some relatives who were antagonistic to Christian Science. The doctor found my daughter quite normal but told me to keep her warm and in bed. The discharge continued for three days, but there was no pain. The doctor was in daily attendance, watching the case but prescribing nothing. On the third day he remarked to me that he could not understand how such a thing could have formed without great pain. Then I told him the facts and my daughter was asked to show where the pain had been. The doctor said: "Well, that is the appendix. It seems a mystery to me, but you have got rid of that discharge in the easiest and most natural way possible, and there is no doubt but you have been spared a very serious operation." Two days later the girl got up. She could stand quite erect and was absolutely free. This happened three years ago, and there has never been the least return of the trouble.
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November 6, 1915 issue
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Thanksgiving Proclamation
Woodrow Wilson with contributions from Robert Lansing
Scientific Mastery
Mental Breadth
Love and Patience
The Burning Bush
The second of the letters against Christian Science written...
Judge Clifford P. Smith
A statement as fairly applicable to poverty as to disease...
Thorwald Siegfried
A sermon preached in Omaha in opposition to Christian Science...
Carl E. Herring
In a recent issue I find an article under the caption, "A...
John L. Rendall
"I press toward the mark"
Archibald McLellan
"Out of the depths"
John B. Willis
Harvest Lessons
Annie M. Knott
The Lectures
with contributions from Ernest C. Moses , Donald M. Jones, William H. Dawes
I first heard of Christian Science on Thanksgiving day,...
Lottie C. Forbes with contributions from Harry B. Forbes
In the fall of 1903, after being ill five years and undergoing...
S. Elizabeth Parker
I wish to tell of a few instances in which the efficacy of...
Blanche M. Wetzell
Before taking up the study of Christian Science (in 1912)...
Louis Wampfler
When Christian Science came into my life, the clouds of...
F. Lillian Lancaster
I have received so many blessings since taking up the...
Sam B. Metcalfe
It was several years ago that I accepted Christian Science
Ruth H. Bailey Walker
I did not become interested in Christian Science through...
Margaret W. Dyer
Answered Prayer
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from Edward F. Sanderson, Thomas N. Carver, Edward B. Reese, William J. Hart