With deepest gratitude I testify to my experience in...

With deepest gratitude I testify to my experience in Christian Science during the past six years. I was ignorantly prejudiced against it, but was finally attracted to it by the spiritual interpretation of the first line of the Lord's Prayer as found on page 16 of Science and Health,—"Our Father-Mother God, all-harmonious." From my earliest recollection I had thought very much about "Our Father which art in heaven;" and when I realized through Mrs. Eddy's phrasing what this really meant, I was greatly comforted.

Early in life I joined a church and tried to be a Christian, but God seemed far away. To mortal sense for years, even from childhood, I had been deceived and wronged by those of my own family, and as time passed on I was filled with resentment and worry, fear and unkind thoughts. I had prayed until it seemed as though the heavens must be brass, yet I clung to the thought that God is just, and so I came to Christian Science gladly, as a tired child goes to its mother's arms. I shall never forget the kind and loving look on the practitioner's face the first time she came to see me. She radiated peace and cheer, and patiently guided my footsteps along the path of truth. I came to Science only for comfort, as the teachings of my church did not satisfy me, and in this Science problems almost without number have been solved. My family have been greatly helped physically, along financial lines, and in spiritual ways.

One night at dinner, soon after I came into Christian Science, a fish-bone lodged in my throat, so far down that a physician who was our next-door neighbor could not even see it. He said that I would have to go to a specialist in the morning and have it removed, but it was so painful that I sent word to a Christian Science practitioner, who treated me for two hours and a half. At the end of that time the bone was dislodged without any effort on my part, although it proved to be barbed. Christian Science has cured my children of discharges from the ears, coughs and colds, measles, whooping-cough, and mumps, very severe bowel trouble, and an annoying skin disease.

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Testimony of Healing
A deep sense of gratitude prompts me to give my testimony...
October 9, 1915

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