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The Lectures
Bicknell Young delivered a lecture expounding the Principle of Christian Science and describing the inspired work of Mrs. Eddy, at the Crown Theater. He was introduced by Mrs. Rosemary O. Anderson, who said:—
Although Christian Science is in large measure conceded to be demonstrable, scientific Christianity, and there is scarcely a community in this great country that is not the better for its beneficent influence, it still seems necessary to provide channels for public dissemination of its teachings.
Mrs. Eddy, the Discoverer and Leader of Christian Science, the Founder and teacher of its spiritually scientific method of mental therapeutics, wisely foresaw the necessity for maintaining under the auspices of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, dependable sources for the teaching and promulgation of authentic Christian Science. Chief among these authorized channels is the text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, and her lesser writings, together with the many periodicals issued by The Christian Science Publishing Society; then there are the Sunday services and Wednesday evening meetings maintained by all Christian Science churches and societies, free reading-rooms, duly qualified teachers and practitioners, and the Christian Science board of lectureship.
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October 9, 1915 issue
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Fruitful Testimony
Spiritual Discernment
"No variableness"
Testimony Meetings
Fear Proved Baseless
Now and then a minister tries to dispose of Christian Science...
Judge Clifford P. Smith
"Christian Science Dissected" was the sermon-subject at...
Brigman C. Odom
An understanding of Christian Science is not attainable by...
F. Elmo Robinson
Not long ago The Recorder published in full a learned...
Robert S. Ross
In an article by Mr.—appearing in a recent issue the...
Charles W. J. Tennant
"Let your light so shine"
Archibald McLellan
Bases of Unity
John B. Willis
Reverence and Brotherhood
Annie M. Knott
The Lectures
with contributions from Rosemary O. Anderson, Elmer W. Demarest, Israel Pickens
Within the past two years I, as well as several of my friends...
Albert Warren Sutphen
When I was thirteen years old I suffered from what is...
Lillian Wheeler
With deepest gratitude I testify to my experience in...
Mabel Thorpe Smith
A deep sense of gratitude prompts me to give my testimony...
Grace C. Williams
When Shadows Fled
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from William Elliot Griffis, R. J. Campbell