"No variableness"

Perhaps no aspect of Christian Science appeals more strongly to mortals than the teaching that God is divine Principle. The writer recalls the shifting scenes of her girlhood, the constantly changing conditions and environment, the lack of tenacity in friendships, the discords, and the ceaseless unrest amounting to agony. Contrasted with all this is the great peace and contentment which came with the dawning consciousness of God as Spirit, Principle,—fixed, immovable,—Love unchanging, Truth invariable and Life harmonious. Here we may remember that the ten commandments were written on tablets of stone, significant of their unyielding basis or Principle.

In the so-called material universe nothing is permanent, nothing is stable. With the ever changing theories as to cause and effect, the material wisdom of yesterday is the foolishness of today; the firm friends of today are the avowed enemies of tomorrow. Happiness dependent upon the senses, material circumstances, or human associations, or resting upon the false teaching of the schools, is not enduring happiness, since at any moment one may be plunged into intense misery. Health which is the result of the mesmeric influence of belief in drugs, soothing and quieting the human mind, or upon any material condition whatsoever, is not permanent health, since at any instant the condition may change to belief in extreme suffering. In fact, as Mrs. Eddy has said (Science and Health, p. 374), "it is like walking in darkness on the edge of a precipice."

How different are the happiness and health attained through the understanding of God and of man's relation to Him, states as unchanging as God Himself. The consciousness that the real universe is spiritual and perfect, that man is God's child, spiritual and good (not material and evil), the object of His tender care, a part of His plan, created for a purpose and forever sustained, directed, and protected by divine Love,—this gives a happiness that no experience of mortal existence can ever dim, since the material universe, with its injustice and misery, is seen to be illusory and unreal and not the fact of being. There is but one universe,—the spiritual; and man is God's spiritual child. Likewise, health which is the result of the understanding of God's law of harmony is permanent, irreversible, forever above and beyond the illusion of matter and its supposed laws.

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Testimony Meetings
October 9, 1915

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