Christian Science is the Science of Life, embracing the whole of man's spiritual and physical needs, it is of the highest importance that we bring to bear in its study and demonstration a sincere desire for well-balanced judgement and a clear apprehension of the truth.
time immemorial, by some perversion of thought, mortals have associated suffering with religion, seeming to consider it a part of the divine plan that mankind should endure more or less of misery in order to be prepared for the heavenly joys which were supposed to await the sufferer after death.
Christian Scientist who was earnestly seeking to live by the truth set forth in Science and Health, found a sentence in the book that seemed difficult of comprehension.
often hear voiced by way of self-excuse, or to condone the shortcomings of a loved one, "I am not myself today;" or, "Do pardon him, he is not quite himself just now.
O thou
that seemest tossed by wind and waveOn error's threatening sea, nor succor nearTo lift thine anxious thought, o'erwhelmed with fear,And from the tempest in thine own heart save!Could thou but know thou art indeed no slave,Nor error real and potent; could appearUnto thy consciousness Truth's wondrous cheer,Unvanquished by aught evil, e'en the grave,—
Your recent editorial entitled "Mental Healing as a Commercial Asset," based on an item in the Journal of the American Medical Association, while possibly intended to be kindly as well as facetious, was so written as to give further currency to certain misapprehensions or misrepresentations of Christian Science.
Results are what count in the last analysis, and even if the critics of Christian Science spend "years of careful research" among its avowed enemies, and attempt to verify these findings from "the highest scientific and ecclesiastical scholars" equally antagonistic, such efforts amount to little in the face of the actual mental, moral, and physical regeneration taking place daily in hundreds of cases under Christian Science treatment.
To say that Christian Science and Mormonism resemble each other because each has had a founder and an explanatory literature, is like saying that two houses are alike because both have foundations, walls, doors, windows, and roof.
are many sincere Christians who feel that the demands set forth in the Bible are beyond the possibilities of mortals, and to this students of Christian Science would agree.
speaking, men are most reserved about believing in that which is most foreign to experience, and this is especially true if the statement or event brings into question the religious opinions they and their fathers have always accepted as true.
When on account of teaching in the evening schools I was for many months deprived of being at the Wednesday evening meetings, it was a great privilege to have the testimonies in the Sentinel and Journal to read.
In Paul's message to the Ephesians we read: "Put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts; and be renewed in the spirit of your mind; and.
Never will I forget the joy, peace, happiness, and freedom that took possession in my heart when I got my first glimpse of Christian Science at a Wednesday evening meeting about four years ago.
About nine years ago Christian Science found me a very sick woman, on the eve operation for stomach and bowel trouble and the many ills that accompany it.
the sake of the city that is to be,Keep patient when things go wrong;The very one who displeases theeShall join his breve to the songWhich is swelling into a jubileeFrom the throats of a countless throng.
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