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The Rev. Mr. —, in speaking at the Pentecostal conference...
The Yorkshire Post
The Rev. Mr. —, in speaking at the Pentecostal conference at Sunderland, expresses himself as being quite sure that the healing in Christian Science, which he describes as "wonderful," was done through the devil. He also states that all diseases come from this aforesaid devil, and sometimes with the consent of God. Evidently he does not recognize the teachings of Christ Jesus on this subject, or he would hardly have committed himself to these statements.
The attack of the reverend gentleman on Christian Science healing is exactly the same as that which the rabbis hurled at Christ Jesus nineteen hundred years ago. It would have been as futile for them to deny his healing power as it would be for this critic to deny the healing power of Christian Science today, and so they accounted for it by declaring that "he casteth out devils through Beelzebub." Jesus' reply was clear and concise, showing that if Satan caused disease and then healed the same disease, he would be working against himself ; but, he said, "if I with the finger of God cast out devils, no doubt the kingdom of God is come upon you."
The clergyman's proposition that the devil causes disease, sometimes with the permission of God, would make infinite good a partner in the creation of evil, which is, of course, an impossibility ; and again, if infinite good could permit disease, it would be for a good purpose, and so it would be quite wrong to try to heal it. Under such circumstances, all healing systems would be working against God in a great many cases, and Christ Jesus himself, the great Physician, would have been found destroying that which God permitted. Such statements, however, have neither Biblical authority nor reason, and are based merely on the fervid imagination of some individuals.
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December 5, 1914 issue
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"The only sufferer"
Within the Ark
The Coming of Our Lord
Resentment Overcome
The Armor of Forgiveness
The editorial on Christian Science and sanitation in a...
Judge Clifford P. Smith
In a recent issue of your paper, I note that a critic asks...
Algernon Hervey Bathurst
The opinion was expressed in a recent issue of the News...
Paul Stark Seeley
The Rev. Mr. —, in speaking at the Pentecostal conference...
John W. Doorly
As one of those who have been brought from the depths of...
Charles E. Jarvis
In an article in a recent issue a clergyman proceeds to...
William D. Kilpatrick
By "Key to the Scriptures" Dr. — evidently means the...
Avery Coonley
Readers in Branch Churches
The Christian Science Board of Directors
More Relief Needed
A Practical Christmas
Archibald McLellan
Persecution and Blessedness
Annie M. Knott
Brotherhood and Civilization
John B. Willis
The Lectures
with contributions from Charles I. Ohrenstein, W. D. Bancroft, J. K. Walker, J. L. Mothershead, Jr., Hugh A. Bone, R. Hammersley Oldfield, George B. Christian, G. Adolph Anderson
A little over three years ago I met with an accident
Pauline Oliver
I am glad to testify to the healing of one of my grand-children...
Ellen A. Lock with contributions from Harry G. Lock
Since childhood I had much trouble with my ankles, the...
Ella H. Cubbison
In 1908 I began to have kidney trouble
I. Winifred MacIntosh
I am glad to send in my testimony, for I and my family...
Mary Rosendale
Some time ago my little girl, aged six years, was taken ill...
S. T. McNicholl
God's Works
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from Thomas Arthur Smoot, R. J. Campbell