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"The burden of the word of the Lord"
The list of our Leader's works found on the first and second printed pages of The Christian Science Journal furnish food for reflection which will be greatly increased by the reading of the Preface or Dedication in each by their author, Mrs. Eddy. In bringing God's messages to mankind, the prophets of the Bible sometimes make use of the significant phrase, "the burden of the word of the Lord." Webster defines the word burden here employed, as "a subject on which one dwells."
The burden of Mrs. Eddy's thought is ever the allness of good and the consequent nothingness and powerlessness of evil. As students of Christian Science we need to avail ourselves of all her writings for self-instruction, and nothing should be substituted for their diligent study in connection with the Bible. Our thought needs to be constantly replenished and spiritualized from these sources of pure Christian Science. We must get our oil and keep our lamps filled from this store, else our lights will go out or sadly flicker.
The Church Manual states of a church-member: "The Bible, together with Science and Health and other works by Mrs. Eddy, shall be his only text-books for self-instruction in Christian Science, and for teaching and practising metaphysical healing" (p. 34). Science and Health, in the descriptive list above referred to, is characterized as "the original, standard, and only text-book on Christian Science Mind-healing." "Miscellaneous Writings" is lovingly dedicated by Mrs. Eddy "to loyal Christian Scientists in this and every land," for "these practical teachings" are, as the dedication continues, "indispensable to the culture and achievements which constitute the success of a student, and demonstrate the ethics of Christian Science." The latest of these books, "The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany," brings our Leader's instructions to her followers up to the present time, and its Foreword may well be pondered by every Christian Scientist. These books, together with her other works, are truly a "burden of the word of the Lord," and they meet betimes, most wonderfully, the human need.
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January 10, 1914 issue
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Momentum of Conquest
Knowledge of Absolute Truth
Sunday School Work
What is the Origin of Evil?
"The burden of the word of the Lord"
A Dream
In the Chronicle of recent date is a reference to a statement...
Frederick Dixon
My attention has been called to a statement in Mr. Bieder-wolf's...
Robert L. Ziller
Jesus came teaching, not about evil, how to fear it and how...
R. Stanhope Easterday
In a recent issue Dr. Hale indulged in a criticism of Christian Science
Willis D. McKinstry
In reporting the work of Evangelist Wilson, this gentleman...
H. Cornell Wilson
The Rule of Mind
Why Not Evangelical?
Archibald McLellan
Truth, Selective and Saving
John B. Willis
"Perfect models"
Annie M. Knott
The Lectures
with contributions from Don E. Gilman, Eloise Mabury, Amaziah D. Davis, H. C. Hocken, S. E. Bone, Harry P. Huse, Lady Molteno, Florence Carter, C. A. S. Frost
Several times since my healing in Christian Science, a transformation...
Charles J. F. Kraft
It is with deep gratitude to God, and also thankfulness to...
Lucy Riggs Ball
It is some years since Christian Science was brought to us...
Annie Jackson with contributions from James Ward Jackson
It is with the deepest gratitude that I look back over the...
Florence I. Woolley
I have much to be grateful for, as I have received many...
H. G. Schindler
After the birth of our little son in 1905 I seemed unable to...
It is with a heart filled with love and gratitude for the...
Elsie R. Brice
I wish to express my gratitude for all the benefits I have...
Christine Latourell
From Our Exchanges
R. A. Dunlap