A Christian Scientist was asked by a friend who had but recently entered upon the study of Christian Science, and who had not yet been able to solve some of the problems that seemed to be stumbling-blocks to his progress, to explain certain things. "I wish you would answer one question for me," said he, "for so far I have been unable to receive an answer which is satisfactory, although I have asked several Christian Scientists for an explanation, and it is a matter of much concern to me, as it seems to present itself repeatedly for solution,—What is death?"

The one who had been thus addressed sat thoughtfully a moment, feeling that her answer meant much to her friend; then, realizing the ever-presence of the divine Mind, the Mind that was in Christ Jesus, the all-knowing, all-hearing, divine intelligence, and relying solely upon this Mind, the answer came immediately and spontaneously, and in a manner that seemed to carry conviction to her listener, she slowly repeated the significant words of St. Paul, "To be carnally minded is death."

She then called attention to the word "is" and said, "Do you realize the significance of that word 'is'? 'To be carnally minded is death,'—not shall be; not that it will result in death, but that it is death. This carnal mind assumes many different phases and clothes itself in many different forms, but of any manifestation of the carnal mind, whether it be lying in the grave or walking on the street, St. Paul has said, in those words that have resounded through the centuries, 'To be carnally minded is death,' and will continue to be death, until 'death is swallowed up in victory;' that is, until the mortal mind yields to the divine. And whether we be here or there, whether it be on this plane or another, it matters not: so long as we remain in the beliefs of the carnal mind, we shall know nothing of Life as demonstrated by Christ Jesus and as understood in Christian Science. The carnal mind 'is not subject to the law of God,' of Life, 'neither indeed can be,' for it can take no cognizance of Life, which is God."

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June 7, 1913

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