The Greenland bill, providing for pensions for indigent mothers, an administration measure, was passed in the Ohio House, and has the approval of Governor Cox.
years ago, in answer to the argument that it was God's will that her mother should suffer, a child retorted, "I don't see how you can love God, if you think He likes to make you miserable.
immeasurable value of Christian Science to humanity consists in its immediate and continuous availability in solving the many problems which confront mankind.
those who have been taught to think of God as a magnified human being, the second commandment is a mystery, or else it has been so materially interpreted that the spiritual import is lost; but it needs to be understood before we can comprehend what we worship as God, since it defines more than any other commandment what the Godhead is.
blinding mists have lifted from the faceOf all mankind, of earth, and troubled sea;Time's sickle reaps no more, and in its placeRevolve the cycles of eternity.
The statement in an address by a clergyman as quoted in a recent issue, that Christian Science conforms to pantheism, is not only incorrect, but directly contrary to the fact.
sense makes such frequent exhibitions of its consent if not attachment to the unideal, impulses which are unquestionably opposed to Spirit are so frequently in evidence, that aspiring hearts sometimes experience a sense of great discouragement.
A great
deal is said about the need for unity among Christian people, but it is not always remembered that the demand for separateness is of equal importance.
with contributions from Charles A. Davie, J. B. Wilhoit, D. L. Gaskill, C. D. Henderson, H. R. Ihrie, Lavern Reynolds, J. W. Wilson, Roy L. Harvey, G. Harold Pim, Prof. Williamson de Visnee
A lecture on Christian Science was delivered by Virgil O.
If by any chance there remained with me a single doubt as to the truth and availability of that statement found on <a class="tome-reference"
I first became interested in Christian Science when, on going home for a visit, I found my father reading the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.
Helene Schmidt
with contributions from George Barella
My brother had given his children into my charge for several weeks, and one day I heard loud crying, when my daughter brought my little niece to me, saying that she had been run over while skating.
I have enjoyed the rich blessings of Christian Science for the past four years, and gratefully acknowledge the fact that I could not now live without it.
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with contributions from Charles A. Davie, J. B. Wilhoit, D. L. Gaskill, C. D. Henderson, H. R. Ihrie, Lavern Reynolds, J. W. Wilson, Roy L. Harvey, G. Harold Pim, Prof. Williamson de Visnee