A constructive statesman is one who marks out an entirely new path in legislation, who improves on the former things by building anew from the foundation. As thus used, construction has in it an element of destruction, for it replaces and consequently destroys that which has gone before. Though the word in its popular use has reference only to things material, its significance is enhanced as soon as we carry it into the mental realm. Who that has felt the regenerating influence of Christian Science can begin to describe the experience by a recital of mere physical healing, marvelous though it may have been? Freedom from sin and disease speaks for the destruction which takes place during the process of constructive regeneration. Arguing a posteriori, we would know that the regeneration had not taken place if the sin or disease continued. There is therefore something higher, a forerunner, an explanation of the healing, and this operative force is the constructive power of divine Science. Mrs. Eddy speaks of it as the "spiritual understanding, which regenerates" (Science and Health, p. 4). Our text-book emphasizes the casting out of error and the healing of the sick as the demonstrable proofs of Christian Science, yet it is constantly pointed out that these are but the mile-posts marking the way by which the divine origin of this Science is attested.

While Christian Science destroys error of every kind, it does it, not by the grafting process, but by utterly uprooting error; and while progress may be slow, yet it is a constant advancement from the recognition of Principle, and no matter what obstacles may be met with, we can always take refuge in the central structure of Truth which demonstration has established in our consciousness. Job said, "I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear: but now mine eye seeth thee." Some of us find it hard to understand that the highest constructive ability consists in the destruction of those illusions which obscure our vision of the immortal man, the understanding that God's creation is perfect, not of our construction, nor within our power to improve; that all we need is to know the truth, and thus work according to the true model, the divine idea, the pattern shown in the mount.

Contrast the workings of mortal mind with the workings of Spirit. Mortal mind presents every counterfeit of activity, but always without the understanding of Principle. Human conjecture leads to makeshifts, experiments, apparent successes, failures, breakdowns, having, as Paul says, "no hope, and without God in the world." We are not called upon to discuss with our brother whether his way or our way is the only way to the kingdom. What we are concerned about is, that our way is leading in the direction of the kingdom.

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