A comprehensive plan of leasing and future purchase of official residences for American ambassadors and ministers in foreign capitals has been presented to the Senate in a bill by Senator Bacon.
A distinct
impression left by the last annual meeting of The Mother Church was the fact that Christian Science is giving to its followers a clearer understanding and a profounder sympathy for their fellow men.
has been well said that "no conflict is so severe as his who labors to subdue himself," but when in an individual a genuine desire has awakened actually to accomplish this end, then indeed there is promise that he will reach the highest.
command, "Thou shalt not bear false witness," if it were included in the daily manual of every individual, would eliminate much of the unrest of the present time, both from a social and a business standpoint.
A constructive
statesman is one who marks out an entirely new path in legislation, who improves on the former things by building anew from the foundation.
Permit me to offer a word of appreciation for your excellent comment on the leading communication published in your column "Little Visits" in the January Nautilus.
Referring to an editorial in a recent issue, it should be stated that Christian Science is neither "new hypnotism" nor old, and it is as truly not "psychic cure," "psychotherapeutic treatment," "suggestion," or "scientific use of mind influence.
A contributor to a local denominational weekly foresees that "some terrible spiritual tragedies will yet be recorded among the wreckage produced by Christian Science," which he classifies as a "hybrid heresy.
In the lecture in All Souls Universalist church, Flatbush, reported in the Eagle, the critic vouchsafed his estimate of Christian Science, and gave his "survey of the essential facts in the life of Mrs.
I have read with interest in a recent issue a thoughtful article on "The New Ideal, or Some Fresh Ways of Looking at Life," and no one can fail to agree with its writer that a great spiritual awakening is the necessity of today, and the very fact that this is being realized is an actual proof that the much desired awakening is already here.
It will be found that many of the religious systems of the earth have something in common, whether it be a belief in God, an acknowledgment of moral responsibility, of human brotherhood, etc.
Christian Scientists
who travel to any extent are often surprised to hear expressed in conversations to which they must listen, the most erroneous concepts of Christian Science, and they wonder how and where such misinformation could have originated.
through the Scriptures we find statements as to repentance, from those which appear in the early records up to the angelic messages given in the book of Revelation.
days when old earth seems to be speeding in its race toward our northland summer, and when we are enticed on every hand to forget all that hinders our companionship with the sweet out-of-door awakenings, one is led to think again, and with an ever increasing wonder of interest, of the relation of light to life, and of the tremendous fact that this relation is true for all the ranges of history, observation, and experience.
My attention was first drawn to Christian Science through reading some articles published in a magazine in the year 1907, which though adverse to Christian Science and its Leader, served to awaken in me a great desire to know more about the subject.
Charlotte E. Lovell
with contributions from Laura A. Coate
About twelve years ago, a humble woman who had been working for me gave me a little book to read, and knowing that she must have made a sacrifice to buy it, I promised to read it, little thinking what it would reveal to me.
Too long have I withheld my testimony from publication, and altogether too long have I failed in giving God thanks and praise at our testimonial meetings, where it is the privilege and duty of every one who has experienced the healing power of Truth to speak.
F. A. Evans
with contributions from F. A. Evans, Mary Roberts
Four years ago I was playing baseball, but from the first practise in the spring my arm gave me a great deal of trouble whenever I would throw the ball, and in one of the first games of the season I hurt it so badly that I could scarcely put my hand to my head.
I desire to acknowledge the many wonderful blessings which have come to me through Christian Science, and with a thankful heart I give my testimony to the unlimited power of infinite Love.
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