Secretary of War Stimson has returned to the Senate committee on commerce the bill for the development of the water-power of the Connecticut river at Windsor Locks.
belief that man is material, that the universe is physical, that there is such a thing as material law or that material wants and desires are actualities in the scheme of creation,—this mistaken belief keeps agitating mankind to look for satisfaction in matter.
one reads the grateful testimonies from mothers all over the world of the blessing that Christian Science is proving in their home-life,—of their little ones restored to health, of crooked limbs made straight, those condemned to invalidism set free from the rule of material law,—one's heart goes out in love to the earnest woman who rose above the mists of self-pity, the contemplation of her own wrongs, to find her happiness in pointing out the way to others.
unceasing freshness of Christian Science for the student often lies in the ever-extending application of some of the simple truths of the Bible which are made clear for the first time through the study of the text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs.
In an interesting editorial today on "Good Cheer," you dwell at some length upon the methods adopted by the Roman Stoics, the primitive monks, and Epicurus, in order to secure for themselves this desirable state of mind.
As for the mental attitude of Christian Scientists, the writer is entirely right in his observation that they are a happy and contented class of people.
In a recent issue there appeared an article which announced a series of public lectures by a gentleman who was formerly a Christian Science practitioner.
I used
to knock with face half turned awayFrom there where I would entrance find; had eyesAlone for all the world did think and say;Knocked feebly at the door; expressed surpriseIt ope'd not to my call,—that call so faint and lowI scarce heard it myself,—the world engrossed me so.
is often asked by those who criticize Christian Science why so much space is given in Science and Health and in our periodicals to the subject of healing, and why this subject is referred to so frequently in our midweek meetings and in the conversation of Christian Scientists.
the ninth chapter of John's gospel, which is truly a gospel in itself, containing as it does a statement of Principle and its idea, Truth and its demonstration, we find these words of the Master: "I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.
For many years I was a sufferer from nearly all kinds of diseases, to the extent of having sixteen physicians, besides using many remedies; but they all failed, and I was given up.
For several years I have had abundant reason to be thankful for the healing and saving doctrine of Christian Science, and I have occasion every day to rejoice that I was led to investigate its beneficent teachings.
Trusting God to guide my thought, I will endeavor to tell others a few of the many blessings which have been mine since coming into a knowledge of Christian Science.
The Discoverer of Christian Science has said, "If pride, superstition, or any error prevents the honest recognition of benefits received, this will be a hindrance to the recovery of the sick and the success of the student".
Love no darkness is—there shadows flee:Thou mayest rest secure in Love's embrace;Love ever present may thy refuge be,Love's morning beams may all these dreams erase.
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