In practising under the rules given in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,"...

Hastings (Neb.) Republican

In practising under the rules given in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," Christian Scientists are healing thousands afflicted with all the ills that flesh is heir to, in accordance with the system instituted by Jesus and successfully practised by him during his earthly ministry. It is simply Christianity applied to human affairs; it is the practical realization of the Bible truth that the "effectual fervent prayer of the righteous man availeth much," and is a sole dependence upon the redemptive power of God, readily available now to suffering humanity through the medium of right thinking and right living.

Your critic declared the constant factor in all healing to be suggestion. This is wholly inaccurate so far as Christian Science is concerned. It is, however, a very common assumption with those who have no practical understanding of Christian Science. All Christian Scientists who have a sufficient understanding of its Principle and rules to practise it with any degree of success, know that it has nothing to do with suggestion. The redemptive results achieved through the ministrations of Christian Science come naturally from the practice of primitive Christianity as taught in the Bible. Christian Scientists claim that Jesus healed the sick and raised the dead by the same power, and certainly your critic will not claim that he raised Lazarus and the widow's son by suggestion, or that he healed the daughter of Jairus or the nobleman's son by suggestion.

Christian Science is not merely a healing system. It constitutes an ideal religion. It holds to God, who is Life, Truth, Love, ever-present Spirit, wholly apart from materiality; and its ideal man is spiritual, created in the image and likeness of God as the Bible teaches, and this teaching is made practical here and now in the reformation of the sinner, the healing of the sick, and the amelioration and destruction of every form of misery and evil.

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