The prophet Jeremiah said, "Come, and let us declare...

The prophet Jeremiah said, "Come, and let us declare in Zion the work of the Lord our God." I am so glad I can help to declare this wonderful truth. Five years ago, when Christian Science was first presented to me, I had no room for it ; but three years later, when trouble seemed to be overwhelming me, it was offered to me again. I was then "so weary, so weary of living, I longed to die;" but now all is changed, and through the study of the Bible and "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, and the help of a kind practitioner, my sorrow has been turned into joy and I am learning more and more each day that all good comes from our Father. Physically I have been able to overcome many of the ills of the flesh, both in myself and family. A short time after taking up this study I laid aside the glasses which I had worn for fifteen years, and can see now much better without them than I did with them. My daughter was healed of a very distressing cough in one treatment. For all the many blessings that have come to me through Christian Science I am indeed truly thankful. And I am so glad that Mrs. Eddy was found worthy in this age to give to the world this healing truth in a way we can understanding, and I am thankful that it has come to me.

Elizabeth B. McGrew, Canton, O.

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June 26, 1909

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