When our beautiful city, San Francisco, met with disaster...

When our beautiful city, San Francisco, met with disaster disaster we lost our home, and my brother sent me to my sister's home in Grass Valley. Soon after coming here I was taken with a severe attack of abdominal trouble. For one week I grew steadily worse, till I felt that I was in a serious condition. Not quite one year previous to this time we were beginning to get interested in Christian Science, but as Christian Science was very little known here, and there was no practitioner, also being very much afraid of a physician's opinion, we decided to telephone to San Francisco, nearly two hundred miles distant, for relief. I must confess that it took a great deal of courage on my part to do this, as it was my first experience with anything so serious. We just missed the practitioner, as she had gone to church, so were obliged to wait till her return at ten o'clock in the evening, three hours later, when the message reached her. My sufferings at that time were intense, but they gradually grew less, till at midnight I was perfectly free from pain, only a feeling of sensitiveness remaining where the pain had been, and this disappeared in three days. My faith is now so great that I feel the Christ-healing is the only cure for all ailments our troublesome mortal bodies may express. I sincerely thank God for what Christian Science is doing for mankind each day and hour.

Miss Frank M. Parker, Grass Valley, Cal.

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Testimony of Healing
In the fall of 1906, when a brother-in-law lay sick in...
March 7, 1908

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