the light of the Science of being,—that God is Spirit and perfect, and that man and the universe are spiritual and perfect,—the meaning of human life is realized only as we bring into consciousness, activity, and expression this perfection of God, man, and the universe.
age in which we live, beyond any other period in the world's history, is rich in achievements for good and grand in its profound aspirations for real advancement.
in lifting mankind out of the bondage of belief in matter into the freedom of Mind, is overcoming that which has been one of humanity's most cruel taskmasters, namely, the belief in poverty.
is very interesting to notice, according to Young's Concordance, that in the original text of the Bible the word "consecrate" has a different meaning in the Old Testament and in the New.
river of tears is a phantom stream, That is fed by the springs of woe: It flows through the valley of broken hearts, Where the weeds of sorrow grow.
I wish to protest against the bad habit to which the press seems to have succumbed, of pitting various other healing methods against that of Christian Science.
The history of the Christian Science movement and of its Leader plainly shows that she had to blaze the trail for herself, relying solely upon the guidance of the Scriptures and the teaching and demonstration of Jesus the Christ in giving this Science to the world.
When Christ Jesus healed one who was blind and dumb, the Pharisees said it was done "by Beelzebub the prince of the devils;" but Jesus declared it was "by the Spirit of God" that the healing was effected.
Christian Scientists who are connected with the newspaper business in any capacity are requested to send their names and addresses, also full particulars as to training, experience, and present employment, to the Trustees of The Christian Science Publishing Society, Falmouth and St.
of years ago, a distinguished philosopher, Sir William Hamilton, discussed at some length the assertion that pain is possibly the real, and peace and pleasure merely negative, —its absence.
desire to know about things is a very spontaneous and fundamental impulse of human nature, and when it is educated into a lively interest in everything that is good and beautiful, it becomes a pilot of discovery, a prophet of growth.
with contributions from THE USHERS OF THE MOTHER CHURCH, MARY B. G. EDDY, Lillian Cole, Albert L. McBride, Grace R. Knapp, Marguerita W. Smith, J. E. McDonald, Effa L. Murphey, William M. Goodwin
O Brooding
Spirit, hovering ever near, In every clime and time still, still the same, Thy loving benediction calms all fear And checks intruding error's subtle claim.
Believing that we should let our light shine according to what we have received, and realizing that I have to a great extent been in darkness, although brought up in an orthodox church, where I was led to believe that Christian healing had been done only to establish the Church nineteen hundred years ago, and that it had then ceased, I desire to give my testimony.
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with contributions from THE USHERS OF THE MOTHER CHURCH, MARY B. G. EDDY, Lillian Cole, Albert L. McBride, Grace R. Knapp, Marguerita W. Smith, J. E. McDonald, Effa L. Murphey, William M. Goodwin