March 3, 1891, Congress passed an act which gave the President the power to "set apart and reserve in any State or Territory having public lands bearing forests, any part of the public lands wholly or in part covered with timber or undergrowth, whether of commercial value or not, as public reservations.
a philosophical farmer weeds may teach many lessons; for example: the necessity of tilling the soil so that the largest possible quantity of water and plant food may be conserved for the use of the crop; that productive land is always ready and willing to work, even if its work is misdirected in weed production; and that the character and history of the land may be determined from the character and quality of weed growth.
passing a quiet hour recently under some beautiful trees near the city of Washington, I saw several penciled inscriptions upon some pine boards laid out for a table for picnickers, which had evidently been written there by those who were whiling away the long summer afternoons.
Christian Scientists
are sometimes accused of being unfeeling because when their attention is called to some instance of seeming suffering or discord, they refuse to admit its reality by sympathizing with it.
When you say that Science and Health or the various phases of Christian Science are unintelligible to a person in his "right mind," have you stopped to ask yourself whether you have really fulfilled the first requirements necessary to make it so or have you analyzed what is meant by "right mind"?
Our critic infers that Christian Science does not provide the solution for all problems, as alleged by the speaker, because, forsooth, the Bible itself has not offered such solution.
It is not claimed at this time that the practitioners of Christian Science heal every case, but it is claimed that they heal a larger percentage of cases than other systems.
are sometimes asked whether the Church Manual is to be taken as a guide for the conduct of all Christian Scientists, and no better answer can be given than that in the words of our Leader: "Of this I am sure, that each Rule and By-law in this Manual will increase the spirituality of him who obeys it, invigorate his capacity to heal the sick, to comfort as mourn, and to awaken the sinner".
A recent
public address by a prominent educator in Scotland has aroused much interest because of its reference to Christian Science, and has led a good many to investigate this subject.
with contributions from Board of Trustees of The Christian Science Publishing Society, Albert C. Stone, Olcott Haskell, Mary F. Eastaman, Mary E. Isely, Sue Mims, James Landy, W. R. Babcock, William Lloyd, William W. Davis, Marie Chalmers Ford, Agnes Cooper, Margaret Riggs Cox, Margaret Dundee Gibb, Hayne Davis
Christian Science was first brought to my notice in July, 1903, when a dear Scientist, who had just moved into the neighborhood, gave my wife some of its literature to read, telling her that she could be healed by the study and practice of this new-found Science.
I wish to add my testimony to the many, but I have so much to tell and am so grateful for all Christian Science has done for me and mine, that I hardly know know where to begin or what to say.
It may be that my experience in healing will be the means of helping some one to a clearer understanding of the Christ, Truth, and since it is my highest aim to be of some real help, it is with pleasure that I give my testimony to the truth as found in Christian Science.
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with contributions from Board of Trustees of The Christian Science Publishing Society, Albert C. Stone, Olcott Haskell, Mary F. Eastaman, Mary E. Isely, Sue Mims, James Landy, W. R. Babcock, William Lloyd, William W. Davis, Marie Chalmers Ford, Agnes Cooper, Margaret Riggs Cox, Margaret Dundee Gibb, Hayne Davis