The object of the teachings of all Christian denominations...

Ottawa (Ill.) Republican Times

[The Daily Republican-Times of Ottawa, Ill., comments as follows upon Mrs. Eddy's letter which appeared in a number of daily papers and was copied in the Sentinel of Aug. 17 under the caption, "Mrs. Eddy describes her human ideal."—Editor Sentinel.]

The object of the teachings of all Christian denominations is precisely that which is "nearest and dearest to the heart" of Mrs. Eddy—an honest man or woman, "one who leavens the loaf of life with justice, mercy, truth, and love." The "real man" is the nearest possible approach to the divine model revealed in the Scriptures alone and demonstrated constantly in the lives of men and women belonging to all church denominations. No one can attain the manhood and womanhood of the divine ideal who does not "steadfastly and actively strive for perfection."

Are there fewer "hones men" and "hones women" of the type dear to Mrs. Eddy's heart and to the hearts of all honest Christians now than at any time in the past? Surely not. The world is daily advancing in goodness, not retrograding. The spiritual in man is increasing, not decreasing. There are far more in the world now "free from the law of sin and death" than ever before. And unquestionably Mrs. Eddy and her Church are doing their full share in helping along the noble work. Neither is by any means perfect. Both are very imperfect when judged by "the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus," but in this respect they are probably not a whit more so than other churches and their members.

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